
This is a Face-Recognition Web-App built using PERN Stack (Postgres,Express,React,Node) and Image Recognition is done using Clarifai Api.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Face-Recognition Web-App built using PERN Stack (Postgres,Express,React,Node) and Image Recognition is done using Clarifai Api.

Live Website : -


Screenshots : -


Features & Tech used :-

  • Login and Register , PostgreSql is used as a database.
  • Password is hashed using Bycrypt.js .
  • For Face Detection , Clarifai Api is used.
  • Front End SPA created in React.js
  • Backend Express.js is used respectively.

Note :-

This web-app needs lot of improvement and is made as a result of learning FullStack Web development(using React&Node).