For Arduino boards.
The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital and analog sensors.
- Download the Latest release from GitHub.
- Unzip and modify the Folder name to "AD_Sensors" (Remove the '-version')
- Paste the modified folder on your Library folder
(On your
folder inside Sketchbooks or Arduino software). - Restart the Arduino IDE.
AnalogSensor - the library describes a set of methods for working with an analog sensor.
ANALOG_PIN - an analog port number that
is attached to the sensor.
AnalogSensor sensor(ANALOG_PIN);
Reads and return a signal from the analog sensor,
from an analog port.
DigitalSensor - the library describes a set of methods for working with a digital sensor.
DIGITAL_PIN - a digital port number that
is attached to the sensor.
DigitalSensor sensor(DIGITAL_PIN);
If you need to invert a sensor signal:
true - invert a signal;
false - not invert a signal.
DigitalSensor sensor(DIGITAL_PIN, INVERT_SIGNAL);
Checks a signal on the digital sensor,
on the digital port. Return true if
the sensor signal is high, false - otherwise.
Checks a signal on the digital sensor,
on the digital port. Return true if
the sensor signal is low, false - otherwise.
Created by Yurii Salimov.