
This repository contains the source code for depicting the proof of concept of the idea proposed

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the source code for depicting the proof of concept of the idea proposed.

Create a virtual environment

virtualenv blockchain
source blockchain/bin/activate

Install the required libraries and packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the verification server to verify the Device certificates against the CA chain

python3 app.py

Help menu

python3 blockchain.py -h
usage: blockchain.py [-h] [--method {add,remove,viewnode,broadcast}] [--certificate CERTIFICATE] [--fullnode]
                     [--deviceid DEVICEID] [--node NODE] [--state STATE] [--start] [--cpath CPATH]
                     [--src_nodes SRC_NODES] [--dest_nodes DEST_NODES] [--max_noise MAX_NOISE]

This simulates the Proof of Concept for the blockchain with Proof of Verified Authority Consensus

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --method {add,remove,viewnode,broadcast}
                        This argument facilitates choosing the action on a node
  --certificate CERTIFICATE
                        The argument enables you to specify the path to the device certificate file
  --fullnode            This is a flag to indicate if the device is a full node
  --deviceid DEVICEID   This argument specifies the device ID
  --node NODE           This argument specifies the node index for the viewnode method
  --state STATE         This argument specifies the path to payload file containing the state
  --start               This flag indicates to start a new a new blockchain
  --cpath CPATH         This argument takes in the path to store the chain persistently
  --src_nodes SRC_NODES
                        This argument takes in the path that contains the pre-added nodes
  --dest_nodes DEST_NODES
                        This argument takes in the path to store the newly added or updated nodes
  --max_noise MAX_NOISE
                        This argument takes the maximum permissable network noise for broadcast [value between 0-1]


Registration of a Device

Add a device with expired/invalid certificate

The device certificate in test1/ has expired and hence it is not valid.

python3 blockchain.py --fullnode --method add --deviceid 34 --certificate test1/BEC452C7-B079-4C99-57CC.e48BC-B809.pem


Add a device with a valid certificate from the trusted CA

The device certificate in test2/ has a valid certificate.

python3 blockchain.py --fullnode --method add --deviceid 83 --certificate test2/BEC452C7-B079-4C99-57CC.e48BC-B809.pem --src_nodes nodes.json


Broadcast and verification

Sending a state change

Starting a new blockchain and adding a transaction. payload1.json has the data of a state change.

python3 blockchain.py --method broadcast --state states/payload_1.json --start

start broadcast Increasing the network noise in simulation

python3 blockchain.py --method broadcast --state states/payload_1.json --max_noise 0.7

invalid broadcast

Adding the next transaction

python3 blockchain.py --method broadcast --state states/payload_2.json

next broadcast