
All my linux configuration files, include i3, VIM, zsh

Primary LanguageVim Script


Include all my linux configuration files, like i3, zsh, vim and so on. Will add one by one.

Linux distribution: ArchLinux or Manjaro
Arch: 64bit


To make the VIM, tmux and terminal beautiful, powerline-fonts is necessary.
But pls note, I follow the configuration instruction in powerline inline doc, there is a problem when add below command:

source /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh

It is ok to see the powerline symbols when don't add above one.

In Arch or Manjaro, just install with below command:

yaourt -S powerline powerline-fonts

After install the fonts, follow the configuration instruction in Arch Wiki - Font configuration to add settings, and pls be noted that don't use Infinality any more, as it has been stopped maintainance.

The file .config/fontconfig/fonts.conf should be placed as $HOME directory and use below command to load:

FC_DEBUG=1024 leafpad # leafpad is a tool just for testing

I just follow this post, and add some reference for font config:

  1. Arch Wiki - 简体中文配置
  2. Linux下终极字体配置方案

Suggested fonts:

yaourt -S otf-fira-code otf-fira-mono awesome-terminal otf-font-awesome ttf-dejavu ttf-droid ttf-roboto noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts

Note that noto-fonts and source-han-fonts look are same because all of them are created/designed by Google and Adobe, but the source-han-fonts is the upgraded one.

VIM configuration

Personal VIM configuration for VIM8.1, tested under CentOS environment.

This configuration most foucus on Golang development.

Pls be aware that to use the system clipboard, VIM should be enabled with +clipboard option, you can use vim --version to check.
In ArchLinux, we can install the gVIM to replace the pre-installed VIM version: yaourt -S gvim.

Depended 3rd softwares:

# ag & rg
yaourt -S the_silver_searcher ripgrep

Refer to GitHub - vim-go IDE for configuration.


Currently only add 3 sections: global user info, credential, alias.

For GIT, I mainly focus on git log command which can make so beautiful & readable, until I find a good tool tig.
In Arch, you can install it by yaourt -S tig. It is awesome, suggested to try.


When use i3, the tapping in touchpad is not enabled defaultly, based on ArchLinux wiki, suggested to use libinput to controll the input device (include keyboard).
And there is a suggested configuration, see it in system/touchpad/30-touchpad.conf, only add 3 options in the touchpad catchall, this file is copied from /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d and should put it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d.

sudo ln -s ~/github/oh-my-linux/system/touchpad/30-touchpad.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf


  • git
  • zsh + oh-my-zsh
  • flameshot, for screeshot
  • alacritty, GPU-accessed terminal
  • google-chrome
  • gvim, as VIM has no clipboard option
  • visual-studio-code-bin, awesome code editor
  • clipit + xclip, clip manager
  • fzf, the shortkey of z
  • tmux, awesome resue tool of terminal


  1. GitHub - maximbaz/dotfiles
  2. GitHub - Airblader/i3
  3. GitHub - samrayleung/dotfiles
  4. GitHub - addy-dclxvi/i3-starterpack