
The Student Store assignment starter code for SITE interns 2022

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project #2: Student Store


Selling merchandise in the modern era requires digital solutions. For this project, you'll be tasked with designing and constructing an online student store for the College of Codepath. The application entails a frontend user interface for potential customers to peruse the goods, and a backend API to handle data management. The API will be built with Node and Express and the UI will be built with React.

Application Features

Core Features

  • Displays the following sections: header, banner, search, product grid, about, contact, and footer.
  • On initial page load, display the products at the GET /store endpoint.
  • User can click on the categories (Clothing, food, etc) to filter the product grid by type.
  • User can search for products.
  • User can click on a product in the grid to view additional product details. Navigation is via a React Router.
  • User can click to expand the shopping cart in the left navigation.
  • User can click the '+' button on a product cart to increment that product in the shopping cart.
  • User can click the '-' button on a product cart to increment that product in the shopping cart.
  • Shopping cart displays a table of products, quantities, subtotal, tax, and total.
  • User can check out, and can view receipt upon completion.

Stretch Features

  • User can click in the top navigation bar to scroll to the relevant section.
  • User sees a "not found" display when searching for a nonexistent product.
  • Create an endpoint for fetching all orders in the database, and an endpoint for serving an individual order based on its id.
  • Build a page in the UI that displays the list of all past orders and lets the user click on any individual order to take them to a more detailed page of the transaction.
  • Allow users to use an input to filter orders by the email of the person who placed the order.

Passing Automated Tests

The following specifications were met on the Express backend and the React frontend.

React UI


  • The core App component that contains the routes for the app and does the initial data fetching
  • Renders a BrowserRouter component that contains a Routes component with the following routes:
    • / - Should render the Home.jsx component
    • /products/:productId - should render the ProductDetail component
    • * - anything else should render the NotFound component
  • Renders the Navbar component on every route
  • Renders the Sidebar component on every route
  • Should create at least the following state variables:
    • products - an array of product objects that is initially empty.
    • isFetching - a boolean value representing whether or not the App is currently fetching the products from the API.
    • error - a variable used to display a message when something goes wrong with the API requests.
    • isOpen - a boolean value representing whether or not the Sidebar.jsx is in the open or closed state.
    • shoppingCart - should store state for the active user's shopping cart (items they want to purchase and the quantity of each item).
      • Use whatever data type works best here, but make sure the format the shoppingCart as an array before passing it to other components.
      • When passed down to other components as a prop, it should formatted as an array of objects.
      • Each object in the array should have two fields:
        • The itemId field should store the id of the item being purchased.
        • The quantity field should store a number representing how many of that item the user is purchasing.
    • checkoutForm - the user's information that will be sent to the API when they checkout.
  • Leverage the useEffect hook to ensure that when the App.jsx component is mounted to the screen...
    • It should make a GET request to the API's /store endpoint with the axios.get method.
    • When the request completes successfully, it should store the products returned by the response in state.
    • If the request does not complete successfully, or there are no products found in the response, it should create an error message and store it in the error state variable.
  • The App.jsx component should define handler functions to be passed as props to the Home and ProductDetail components.
    • Define as many as are needed.
    • At minimum, create these five handlers:
      • The handleOnToggle function. When called...
        • It should toggle the open/closed state of the Sidebar.
      • The handleAddItemToCart function. When called...
        • It should accept a single argument - productId
        • It should add that product to the shoppingCart if it doesn't exist, and set its quantity to 1.
        • If it does exist, it should increase the quantity by 1.
        • It should add the price of the product to the total price of the shoppingCart.
      • The handleRemoveItemFromCart function. When called...
        • It should accept a single argument - productId
        • It should decrease the quantity of the item in the shoppingCart by 1, but only if it already exists.
        • If it doesn't exist, the function should do nothing.
        • If the new quantity is 0, it should remove the item from the shoppingCart
      • The handleOnCheckoutFormChange function. When called...
        • It should receive two arguments:
          • name - the name attribute of the input being updated
          • value - the new value to set for that input
        • It should update the checkoutForm object with the new value from the correct input(s)
      • The handleOnSubmitCheckoutForm function. When called...
        • It should submit the user's order to the API
        • To submit the user's order, it should leverage the axios.post method to send a POST request to the /store endpoint.
        • The body of that POST request should be an object with two fields:
          • The user field:
            • Should be an object containing name and email properties
            • Each property should be set to the correct value found in the checkoutForm
          • The shoppingCart field:
            • Should contain the user's order formatted as an array of objects.
            • Each object in the array should have two fields:
              • The itemId field should store the id of the item being purchased.
              • The quantity field should store a number representing how many of that item the user is purchasing.
            • Don't include the total price here, since we'll be calculating that on the backend. Remember to never trust the client!


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a nav element with a className of navbar
  • Should render the Logo component that links to the / route when clicked


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with a className of logo
  • Should use the Link component from react-router-dom to link to the home route (/) when clicked


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with a className of home
  • Should accept at least the following props:
    • products - an array of product objects
    • handleAddItemToCart - handler function defined in the App.jsx component
    • handleRemoveItemToCart - handler function defined in the App.jsx component
  • Should render the Hero component
  • Should render the ProductGrid component


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with a className of hero
  • Should display an intro message inside an element with the className of intro. That message should contain the text "Welcome!" somewhere within it.
  • Should render a hero image inside an img tag with the className of hero-img.


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with a className of product-grid
  • Should accept at least the following props:
    • products - an array of product objects
    • handleAddItemToCart - handler function defined in the App.jsx component
    • handleRemoveItemToCart - handler function defined in the App.jsx component
  • Should iterate over its products prop, rendering a ProductCard component for each one. Set the showDescription prop to false for all of the ProductCard components rendered in the ProductGrid component.


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with a className of product-detail
  • Should accept at least the following props:
    • handleAddItemToCart - handler function defined in the App.jsx component
    • handleRemoveItemToCart - handler function defined in the App.jsx component
  • Should define at least a product state variable and updater
  • It should leverage the useParams hook from react-router-dom to extract the productId param from the url.
  • When the component is mounted to the screen...
    • It should make a GET request to the /store/:productId endpoint with the axios.get method.
    • The :productId part of the request should be replaced with the productId pulled from the url.
    • When the initial request is loading, it should render an h1 element with the className of loading and contain the text "Loading..."
    • It should store the product received by the request in state and then render the ProductView component.
    • If no product is found with that id, it should render the NotFound component


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with a className of product-view
  • Should accept at least the following props:
    • product - the product object returned by the API request
    • productId - the id of the product extracted from the url
    • quantity - the quantity for this product found in the shoppingCart
    • handleAddItemToCart - handler function
    • handleRemoveItemToCart - handler function
  • It should display an h1 element with the className of product-id that contains the text: Product # followed by the productId prop
  • It should render a ProductCard component and pass it the props it needs. It should also set the showDescription prop to true for this product card.


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with a className of product-card
  • Should accept at least the following props:
    • product - a product object
    • productId - a number representing the id of the product
    • quantity - the quantity for this product found in the shoppingCart
    • handleAddItemToCart - handler function
    • handleRemoveItemToCart - handler function
    • showDescription - boolean
  • Should render the name of the product inside an element with the className of product-name
  • Should render the price of the product inside an element with the className of product-price. The price should formatted so that it starts with a $, and has at least one integer digit, along with exactly two decimal digits. Examples - $22.99, $860.20, and $0.50
  • If the showDescription prop is set to true, it should render the description of the product inside an element with the className of product-description.
  • Should render an img element for the product:
    • The img element should have a src attribute to set to the image property of the product prop.
    • The img element should be wrapped in a Link component from react-router-dom.
      • The Link element should have a to prop so that when the img element is clicked on, it should navigate to the product detail route for that product using its id attribute. For example, a product with an id of 4 should create a Link with its to prop set to /products/4.
      • The Link that wraps the img element should be nested somewhere inside an element with the className of media.
  • Should render two buttons elements...
    • One button with a className of add. When clicked, it should call the handleAddItemToCart function with the id of the product as its only argument.
    • One button with a className of remove. When clicked, it should call the handleRemoveItemFromCart function with the id of the product as its only argument.
  • Should display the current quantity of items that the user has selected in their shopping cart. The quantity should be rendered inside an element with the className of product-quantity. If none of that particular item have been added to the shopping cart, it should render nothing there.


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a section element with the className of sidebar
  • Should accept at least the following props (and probably a few more):
    • isOpen - boolean representing the open/closed state of the Sidebar
    • shoppingCart - the active user's cart formatted as an array of objects with itemId and quantity keys
    • products - the array of products fetched from the API
    • checkoutForm - the form state for the CheckoutForm component
    • handleOnCheckoutFormChange - handler function to update the checkoutForm object
    • handleOnSubmitCheckoutForm - handler function to submit the user's order to the API
    • handleOnToggle - handler function to toggle open/closed Sidebar state
  • It should always render a button element with the className of toggle-button. When that button is clicked it should change the isOpen prop by calling the handleOnToggle prop.
  • When the sidebar is opened, it should display the ShoppingCart and CheckoutForm components and should be wider than 350px.
  • When the sidebar is closed, it should only render the toggle button and shouldn't be wider than 150px.


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with the className of shopping-cart
  • Should accept at least the following props (and probably a few more):
    • isOpen - boolean representing the open/closed state of the Sidebar
    • products - the array of products fetched from the API
    • shoppingCart - the active user's cart formatted as an array of objects with itemId and quantity keys
  • For every item in the shoppingCart:
    • It should display the name of the item in an element with the className of cart-product-name. Remember that items in the shoppingCart prop will only contain the itemId and quantity fields. Other props will have to be used to conver the itemId field to the product's name.
    • It should display the quantity of the item in an element with the className of cart-product-quantity
  • It add up the cost of all items (make sure to use the quantity of the item requested), and render that amount rounded up to exactly 2 decimal places inside an element with the className of subtotal. Make sure it is prefixed with a dollar sign ($)!
  • It should calculate the cost of taxes on that subtotal (using 8.75% as the tax rate), add that amount to the subtotal, and render the total cost rounded up to exactly 2 decimal places inside an element with the className of total-price. Make sure it is prefixed with a dollar sign ($)!
  • If no items exist in the shoppingCart, it should render this message: "No items added to cart yet. Start shopping now!" inside an element with the className of notification


  • Should render JSX that is wrapped by a div element with the className of checkout-form
  • Should accept at least the following props:
    • isOpen - boolean
    • shoppingCart - the active user's cart formatted as an array of objects with itemId and quantity keys
    • checkoutForm - the form state for the CheckoutForm component
    • handleOnCheckoutFormChange - handler function to update the checkoutForm
    • handleOnSubmitCheckoutForm - handler function to submit the user's order to the API
  • Should render two input elements, each with the className of checkout-form-input
    • The checkoutForm prop should supply the correct props needed to create the two controlled inputs:
      • The first input should have:
        • the type prop set to email
        • the name prop set to email
        • the placeholder prop set to student@codepath.org
        • the value prop set by checkoutForm.email.
        • a valid onChange prop that uses the handleOnCheckoutFormChange function to update the checkoutForm state
      • The second input should have:
        • the type prop set to text
        • the name prop set to name
        • the placeholder prop set to Student Name
        • the value prop set by checkoutForm.name.
        • a valid onChange prop that uses the handleOnCheckoutFormChange function to update the checkoutForm state
  • Should render a button element with the className of checkout-button.
    • It should contain the text Checkout.
    • When clicked, it should call the handleOnSubmit function.
      • If that request fails, the CheckoutForm component should display an error message inside an element with the className of error.
      • If the POST request is successful...
        • The CheckoutForm component should display a success message that contains the text "Success!" inside an element with the className of success.
        • The shoppingCart should be emptied
        • The checkoutForm should be reset to its default state.

Server - Create an Express server

  • Wire up the appropriate middleware and error handlers in the app.js file
  • Create a single GET request handler at the / endpoint. It should respond to all GET requests with a JSON object and a 200 status code. The JSON response should contain a single key of ping that stores the string value: pong. For example: { "ping": "pong" }.
  • Have a server.js file that starts the app by listening on port 3001.

Models - The API should use a Store model that handles the following

  • List all products currently in the db.json file
  • Fetch a single product by its id
  • Create a purchase order

Routes - The API should contain a route mounted at the /store endpoint

  • It should respond to GET requests to /store with an array of all products in the store in this format: { "products": products }
  • It should respond to GET requests to /store/:productId with a single product based on the product's id using this JSON format: { "product": product }
  • It should allow POST requests to the /store endpoint:
    • The endpoint should create purchase orders for users and save them to the db.json file
    • The endpoint should accept a request body that contains shoppingCart and user fields.
      • The shoppingCart field should contain the user's order.
        • This should be an array of objects.
        • Each object in the array should have two fields:
          • The itemId field should store the id of the item being purchased
          • The quantity field should store a number representing how many of that item the user is purchasing.
      • The user field should contain the name and email of the person placing the order.
      • When either the shoppingCart or user fields are missing, it should throw a 400 error.
      • If there are duplicate items in the shoppingCart, it should throw a 400 error.
      • If either the quantity or itemId field is missing for any of the items in the shoppingCart, a 400 error should be thrown.
      • When both are there, it should calculate the total cost of all the items (including quantities), add a 8.75% tax to the total, and create a new purchase object containing 6 required fields and 1 optional field:
        • required:
          • id - the new id of the purchase should be equal to one more than the current number of existing purchases
          • name - the name of the user making the purchase
          • email - the email of the user making the purchase
          • order - the shoppingCart value sent in the POST request
          • total - the calculated total of the order
          • createdAt - a string representation of the date and time when the order was placed
        • optional:
          • receipt - text describing the order (what might go on a receipt)
      • It should then send a JSON response back to the client with the new purchase like so: { "purchase": purchase }. The response should have a 201 status code for a resource created action.


  • Did the topics discussed in your labs prepare you to complete the assignment? Be specific, which features in your weekly assignment did you feel unprepared to complete?

RESPONSE The introductory topics of react helped me understand and go through the project a lot. React is much different than normal HTML/CSS/JS and understanding where all the props were being passed really made it confusing. I was also confused on conditional rendering with a lot of conditional statements. It starts to get very complicated and further explanation might be helpful.

  • If you had more time, what would you have done differently? Would you have added additional features? Changed the way your project responded to a particular event, etc.

RESPONSE If I had more time, I would have focused on modularizing the application a bit more. I just felt that things weren't under my control and it was hard understanding the structure of the project initially. I would have added loading spinners to make it the loading more user-friendly and created more features for the product details component. I would have wanted to initially define some constants so that it would be easy for me to format the GET and POST requests.

  • Reflect on your project demo, what went well? Were there things that maybe didn't go as planned? Did you notice something that your peer did that you would like to try next time?

RESPONSE My project demo went really well because I was able to get all of the core features done. I would have wanted to work on more loading screens for a better user experience.

Open-source libraries used

  • Add any links to open-source libraries used in your project.

Receipt - npm

Shout out

Give a shout out to somebody from your cohort that especially helped you during your project. This can be a fellow peer, instructor, TA, mentor, etc.

Preeti, Arisa, Cristina, Phineas, Yilika