
Primary LanguageC#

Augmented Reality Kart

This is an augmented reality kart school project. The purpose is to display live informations to the players concerning the course, the kart, the opponents.. via an augmented reality device.



A very simple NodeJS API can be found in /api folder. For now, it only renders a simple endpoint that display the actual timecode.

The purpose is to be able to retrieve some infos from the API and display them in the Unity Project.

In the future, this API can be developed to retrieve real informations got from the course,the players, the karts...


  • Go to /api folder
  • Install packages with this command : npm install
  • Launch server with this command : npm start

You can now acces the server at this url : http://localhost:9999



A simple Unity project that simulate what the player will see in the AR device. For now it just displays the timecode retrieved from the API and the webcam


  • Launch the API (see above)
  • Open /unity/Assets/ARKart.unity with Unity3D