- 12
Bug at server "Reload"
#5 opened by iksaku - 11
Could not load plugin 'MyPlugin'
#18 opened by BuddyAW - 2
- 2
Bug with makeplugin Command in v1.10.0
#17 opened by Survingo - 1
how to use /makeserver?
#16 opened by nooneusethisname - 0
Double / in file path
#14 opened by jojoe77777 - 1
I can't make a plugin
#12 opened by Blubberboy333 - 1
Bug with DevTools
#8 opened by Mooncoder - 0
How to Work the plugin
#4 opened by MCSteampunk - 5
Can't create PHAR plugins
#3 opened by iksaku