
Download the episodes data [Query]

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello everyone, I've obtained the podcast database from https://public.podcastindex.org/podcastindex_feeds.db.tgz and was wondering if it's possible to download the episodes database as well. I possess the API key but prefer not to use the API for fetching such a large amount of data. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


@vikram-ray did you find a way to obtain the episode data?

You will need to crawl the feeds for the episodes on your own. The episodes data is 150 gigs so it's too large for public download. We may offer it in the future if someone sponsors or donates the money to handle that bandwidth.

hi @daveajones, thanks for dropping in! Ok, good to know, should be doable. 150gigs sure is a lot :) Have you considered offering it as a torrent or something similarly? Thanks for the good work here!