- 0
Delete 2 duplicate items
#43 opened by rlarzac - 1
error in dead feed dump
#42 opened by alexander-winkler - 0
info on dead feeds
#41 opened by alexander-winkler - 3
Updates of RSS feed URLs are not handled
#40 opened by perelin - 4
Download the episodes data [Query]
#37 opened by vikram-ray - 2
Discussion about 3rd party metadata
#6 opened by Siebe - 1
Detecting duplicates via atom:link self
#39 opened by ryan-lp - 2
What is the scale for popularityScore?
#38 opened by ryan-lp - 3
What is 666?
#34 opened by ryan-lp - 3
Is the itunesId column kept up to date?
#35 opened by ryan-lp - 0
Duplicate itunesIds
#36 opened by ryan-lp - 2
- 2
Data issue: ATW - This Is Broadway
#11 opened by johnspurlock - 2
Data issue: Software Defined Interviews
#12 opened by johnspurlock - 0
Data Issue: Heavyweight
#32 opened by dabluck - 0
Data issue: 余生皆假期
#31 opened by sinchang - 0
How to change RSS feed
#29 opened by Krotosz6 - 1
podcastGuid is not unique in the db dump (single id maps to multiple different podcasts)
#30 opened by AmitAronovitch - 1
Podcast appears twice (deprecated feed)
#28 opened by bclouthier - 3
Data issue: Foodball
#20 opened by johnspurlock - 0
Repository has no license
#3 opened by DiogoConstantino - 1
CSV: handling of line breaks
#5 opened by saerdnaer - 1
Data issue: The Pull Request
#10 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: I Hear Things
#13 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: KQED The Leap
#14 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: JavaScript Jabber
#15 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: HTTP 203
#16 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: EconTalk
#17 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: The BS Filter
#18 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: Useful Idiots
#19 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: Real Time with Bill Maher
#21 opened by johnspurlock - 3
Data issue: Song Exploder
#22 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: St. Louis on the Air
#23 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: The Talk Show
#24 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: On Point WBUR
#25 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: Making Sense with Sam Harris
#26 opened by johnspurlock - 1
Data issue: On The Media
#27 opened by johnspurlock - 0
Add link to database dumps in Readme
#7 opened by saerdnaer - 2
Add example database schema
#4 opened by saerdnaer - 2
Is it possible / How to submit list of feeds?
#8 opened by keunes - 0
Usability of excerpts
#2 opened by vandys - 2
Include iTunes ID with database export
#1 opened by mitchdowney