
A Discord Music Bot written in Lua

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A Discord Music Bot written in Lua



  • Install Luvit
  • Install FFMPEG
  • Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/Podter/Music-Bot-Lua
  • Install all packages from package.lua by typing lit install
    • This will install SinisterRectus/discordia creationix/coro-spawn and creationix/coro-split
  • Start the bot by typing luvit main.lua


  • Install Luvit
  • Insatall all required packages by typing sudo apt-get install ffmpeg youtube-dl libopus-dev libsodium-dev
    • This will install FFmpeg youtube-dl Opus and Sodium
  • Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/Podter/Music-Bot-Lua
  • Install all packages from package.lua by typing lit install
    • This will install SinisterRectus/discordia creationix/coro-spawn and creationix/coro-split
  • Start the bot by typing luvit main.lua


  • Just run and replace YourDiscordBotTokenHere with your bot token
docker run -d -e Token=YourDiscordBotTokenHere -e Prefix=! podter/music-bot-lua


All Configurations are store in settings.lua

  • Prefix is prefix for your bot, Default prefix is !
  • Token is Discord Bot Token for your bot, Replace Your Discord Bot Token Here! with your bot token!
  • To change Prefix in Docker just replace ! with your prefix at -e Prefix=! like this: -e Prefix=?