
Output of following along Udemy course using .NET Core, React and Mobx. Adjusted to fit my architectural style.

Primary LanguageC#

Reactivities Application

This is my output on following along this Udemy course using .NET Core, React and MobX

The master contains the code that deviates only a little from what is shown in the course as this serves both a refresher for .NET and its new features.

Aside from that I do have other learning goals in mind:

  • T.D.D some parts of the application Get acquainted with Cypress to Test (and possibly refactor?) the UI.
  • Using Repositories and Unit of Work with EntityFramework
  • Removing Mediator and instead use plain Interactor classes.
  • Using Redux instead of Mobx on the client code First foray on the usage of React Query for page queries and replacing MobX with Redux.
  • Making custom hooks
  • Using Plain SQL Reads on Certain Queries (Bypassing Domain Layer)

I do have some plans for this repository to mimic the RealWorld in that the application will function in the same way regardless if you swap the backend or frontend with a different framework.