
TWITTER clone with React, Express, Tailwind, Next, MongoDB, Vercel

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TWITTER clone with React, Express, Tailwind, Next, MongoDB, Vercel


dashboard.png Login.png profile.png profile_edit.png notifications.png image_upload.png notifications.png comments.png

Getting Started

First, install the dependencies, by running this command in the root directory:

npm i

Second, Fill in the environment variables in the .env file in the frontend and backend folders respectively:

  • Connect to your MongoDB database and add the connection string to the DB_URL variable, in the backend .env file diagonal-vs-non-diagonal
  • Fill the Mail variables with your mail credentials, in the backend .env file
  • Create a Cloudinary account and add your credentials to the CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, and CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET variables Tutorial Link
    • Add the NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME variable to the frontend .env file
    • make sure that you create an unsigned upload preset and update the uploadPreset variable in the ShareSprint/frontend/components/ImageUpload.tsx file with it preset image Note: The app won't work without the couldinary credentials

Third, you can run the application both the frontend and the backend concurrently, in development mode by running:

npm run build; npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Key Features

  • Fullstack fully functional Social Media App
  • Standalone REST API with scalable good architecture using Express
  • Fully functional frontend with Next and React
  • Authentication system with email verification
  • Notifications and alerts
  • Tailwind design for sleek UI
  • Tailwind animations and transition effects
  • Server error handling with react-toast
  • Notification system
  • Full responsiveness for all devices
  • Image handling with Cloudinary CDN
  • 1 To Many Relations (User - Post)
  • Many To Many Relations (Post - Comment)
  • Following functionality
  • Comments / Replies
  • Likes functionality
  • Managing global state using Redux
  • Vercel Deployment
  • Dockerized