
Contains technical documentation for RandoMadness.

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains technical details about data, scripts, formats, etc. used by "RandoMadness".

Server configuration

Values for properties below can be changed in file {GameDirectory}/RandoMadness/Saved/Config/{PlatformName}/Game.ini (if this directory doesn't exist, launching the server/game once will fix it) under section [/Script/RandoMadness.RandMadInstance]. Values are set using key/value syntax (PropertyName=Value).


This path is used by server as a root directory when looking for custom data and script files. The directory can contain anything but it has to provide defaults.json file and can (definitely should) provide lib.lua file. The server won't work properly without a valid server path!


This is a password that can be used to get access to server commands in game. If left empty, accessing server commands from within the game won't be possible.


The server has built-in Lua support which allows server hosts to change game behaviour at runtime using their own scripts. Currently supported Lua version: 5.4.0.


lib.lua file is loaded/executed when the server is created which makes it a good place to bind events and initialize variables.


The game provides many global functions that can be used to change game's behaviour. Every global Lua function that is loaded can be also used as a command. This includes predefined functions as well as the custom ones. Keep in mind that certain functions may do nothing if the provided arguments are incorrect or Lua can't access game elements for some reasons. Click here to learn more about available functions.


Events are Lua functions that are called by server when certain conditions are met. They have no default implementation, so they can be binded by server hosts to execute custom logic. The best place to do this is lib.lua as it's always loaded but it can be done in a different script as well. To bind an event, simply create a global function that has the same name as the event. Click here to learn more about available events.

Using commands in game

Every text-chat message starting with / will be send to server as a command. The server parses commands into Lua function calls. Whitespaces are used as argument seperetors. If you want whitespace in your string args, use \_ instead. If you want to use Lua variable value in your command, enter $ before variable name. Examples:

Text-chat message: /MsgAll Hello\_There! 56 0 120

Lua code equivalent: MsgAll("Hello There!",56,0,120)

Text-chat message: /DamagePlayer 2 400

Lua code equivalent: DamagePlayer(2,400)

Text-chat message: /MsgAll $MyVar 100

Lua code equivalent: MsgAll(MyVar,100)

Text-chat message: /MsgTo He_llo\_W 3

Lua code equivalent: MsgTo("He_llo W",3)


JSON files store gameplay configuration. The server uses settings from defaults.json by default but the source file can be changed using commands. Click here to learn more about gameplay configuration.

Custom JSON Types

In addition to the standard JSON types, the game also uses it's own custom JSON types. All custom types are JSON objects with additional properties. Some custom types may inherit from other types, the derived type has all properties of the base type, but may interpret them differently. Missing properties are interpreted as null, 0 etc.