
Spi-Box- This is the first case designed by SB Components to mount the Raspberry Pi along with a Raspberry Pi camera module and a PIR module.

Primary LanguagePython


Motion Activated Security Camera

Steps for PiTalk software installation -

  1. Open Terminal and download the code by writing:

    git clone https://github.com/sbcshop/Spi-Box.git
  2. Your code will be downloaded to '/home/pi' directory. You can use 'ls' command to check the list of directories.

  3. Go to 'Spi-Box' directory. Move 'SPi-Box' and 'SPi-Box Config' (shortcut icon) to Desktop

  4. Install 'SSMTP' (SSMTP is for mail configuration) and 'MPACK' (MPACK is used for sending attachements) using commands:

    sudo apt-get install ssmtp
    sudo apt-get install mpack
  5. Edit SSMTP configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

    Add the following configuration and save it;

  6. Send a test mail using command:

    mpack -s "subject" file_path recipient@gmail.com


    mpack -s "test mail" /home/pi/image.png abc@gmail.com
  7. Google will block your sign-in attempts. Check your mail Inbox and allow to less securing apps so that Raspberry can send Emails

  8. Repeat Step 6 for sending a test mail

  9. Click 'SPi-Box Config' icon placed on desktop, and configure it:

    • Tick on "turn on email"
    • Enter the subject
    • Enter the email recipient address
    • Click on "Test EMail" for checking configuration is correct
    • Press "save and quit"
  10. Connect the Camera with Raspberry pi and PIR sensor output to 'GPIO 4' of Raspberry Pi

  11. Enable Camera in Raspberry Pi Configuration and Restart the Raspberry Pi

  12. Click on "SPi-Box" icon on Desktop, to run the script and if motion is dectected it will click and image and email it