
Python connector for OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT No AttributionMIT-0


pip install pyobiee-kazei92

Dependencies: zeep, pandas, requests
If there is an issue with installing zeep, please do it manually:
pip install zeep

General Information

pyobiee is a custom connector for OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition).

It has two main functions (methods):

  1. downloadReport - Downloading data from a custom OBIEE report (needs report's path)
  2. executeSQL - Executing a SQL query and then downloading its data.

All that using SOAP protocol, Python SOAP client - zeep and OBIEE XMLViewService.


  1. zeep - https://python-zeep.readthedocs.io/en/master/
  2. OBIEE XMLViewService - https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/bi.1111/e16364/methods.htm#BIEIT335

Data is returned in pandas DataFrame format to facilitate exporting, further processing and integration with Power BI Desktop


Documentation (in progress) is here - https://github.com/kazei92/pyobiee/wiki