
PoiQuote is an online open-content compendium of Yūdachi's quotations.


Poiquote is an online open-content compendium of Yūdachi's quotations.



No. Japanese/English Source
000 こんにちは、白露型駆逐艦「夕立」よ。よろしくね!
Hi, I'm Yuudachi, a Shiratsuyu-Class destroyer. Nice to meet you!
001 白露型駆逐艦の4番艦、夕立です。第三次ソロモン海戦では、けっこう頑張ったっぽい?でも、何気に「アイアンボトム・サウンド」って、ホントに怖い言葉よね?
I'm Yuudachi, the fourth ship of the Shiratsuyu class.I worked really hard during the Third Battle of the Solomons, didn't I poi?By the way, why am I so scared by the term 'Ironbottom Sound?'
Library Intro
002 お呼びっぽい?何ですか?
Did you call poi? What is it?
003 提督さん、ご用事はなぁに?
What is it that you need, Admiral?
004 ふ~ん…何それ?新しい遊びっぽい~?
Hmm? What is it? Some kind of new game poi?
005 えーっと…放置っぽい?あたしじゃ不足っぽい?もっともっと鍛えなきゃ!
Err.. Am I being neglected poi? Am I like, still insufficient poi?! Then I'll have to train more!
006 提督さんのためなら、夕立どんどん強くなれるっぽい!
If it's for the Admiral's sake, I can like, get so much stronger.
007 お待たせしました~!
Sorry to have kept you waiting~
Start a sortie
008 提督さん、顔赤いっぽい?どうしたの?恋愛相談?好きな人?え、やだ、どうしようっ!?
Admiral, your face looks red poi? What's wrong?
Love consultation? Person you like? Eh, no way, what should I do~?
009 なんか電文みたいのがきてるっぽい?
Seems like a telegram has arrived poi?
Show player's score
010 駆逐艦夕立、出撃よ!
Destroyer Yuudachi, now sortieing!
Joining a fleet
011 ん~~、いい~じゃないですか~
Hmm, this is great~
012 私!ニューバージョンっぽい!?
I'm a new version poi?
013 最高に素敵なパーティしましょう。
Now, let's have the most amazing party!
014 っぽい?
015 んふっ♪お腹いっぱいぽい!
Haha, I'm full poi.
016 ごっはんー♪ごっはんー♪
Mealtime~ Mealtime~♪
Docking[Minor Damage]
017 なんか、ちょっと本格的に寝込むっぽい。
I'm feeling really sleepy poi?
Docking[Moderate/Heavy Damage]
018 修理が完了したぽい?
A ship was fullish repaired?
Docking complete
019 新しい仲間が到着したっぽい。
A new friend is here poi.
Ship construction
020 艦隊がもどってきたっぽい?
So the fleet is back poi?
Return from sortie
021 さあ、ステキなパーティしましょ!
Now, let's have an amazing party!
Start a sortie
Battle start
022 ソロモンの悪夢、見せてあげる!
I'll show you the nightmare of Solomon.
Battle start
Night battle
023 まず何から撃とうかしら?
I wonder which ship I should start with?
024 ん~?もうちょっとやっちゃうっぽい?
Hmm... should we do a little bit more poi?
Night battle
025 これでど~お!?
How about thi~s?
Night attack
026 選り取りみどりっぽい?
There's so many targets to choose from poi?
Night attack
027 夕立ったら、結構頑張ったっぽい?提督さん、褒めて褒めてー♪
Don't you think I worked really hard poi? Praise me, Admiral, praise me!
028 きゃあっ!?
Minor damaged[0]
029 夕立、突撃するっぽい。
Yuudachi, assaulting poi!
Minor damaged[0]
030 ふわぁぁ
Minor damaged[1]
031 ハンモックを張ってでも、戦うよ!
I'll fight it out, with a hammock as a sail if we have to!
Minor damaged[1]
032 も、も~ばかぁ~!これじゃあ戦えないっぽい!?
R-really, you idiot~! I can't fight on like this poi!
Moderate/Heavy Damage
033 もしかして…沈んじゃうっぽい…?
Don't tell me... I'm sinking poi?
034 吉川艦長…また…会えるか…な
Captain Kikkawa... I can... see you again now... right?

ii.Seasonal Quotes

No. Japanese/English Source
100 お正月っぽーい!夕立も晴れ着を着るっぽい。これで戦闘は…できるっぽい!
Looks like its the new year! Looks like Yuudachi will be wearing her best clothes! Looks like...I can fight in these clothes!
New Year 2015-2016
101 この豆、この豆、全力で投げるっぽーい!えい!えい!えーいっ!!……あわわぁ!?
I'm throwing these beans with full strength .... Ei.... Ei.... Eiiii.... Oohhh..
Setsubun 2015-2016
102 えっと、このチョコレートあげるっぽい。夕立、結構頑張って作ったっぽい。
Um, this chocolate-ish thing's for you. I did my bestest making it!
Valentines 2015-2016
103 提督さん、この包みは?いい匂い…クッキーっぽい!もしかして手作りっぽい!?
What is this package, Admiral? Smells nice~ It's cookies-poi! Perhaps these are handmade-poi?
White Day 2015-2016
104 今日は大事な日っぽい。そんな日は、みんなで素敵なパーティ、しましょう?
It's an impoitant day! We should celebrate an amazing party on such day!
Second Anniversary 2015
105 うぅ、うぅ~んっ、気持ちいいっぽーい!
Mmmh~, It feels good, poi!
Rainy Season 2015-2016
106 少しずつ暑くなってきたっぽーい。今年も夏が来るっぽい!
Seems like it's getting hotter bit by bit. I guess summer's coming around again, poi!
Early Summer 2015-2016
107 ちょっと暑すぎっぽい~。艤装も服も脱いで、ひと泳ぎするしかないっぽい!
It's, like, a little too hot. It's like we have no other choice, but to take our rigging and clothes off, and swim!
Mid-Summer 2015-2016
108 これはこれで動きやすいっぽい、ぽい!
I can, like, easily move in these. Poi!
Mid-Summer 2015 Early Summer2016
109 気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい、ぽい・・
It may be my imagination, but this armour is, like, too thin. Poi...
Mid-Summer 2015
110 秋はなんだかお腹がすくぽい、ご飯まだかなごっはんー♪ごっはんー♪
Autumns like, makes my tummy growl. Is the food ready yet? food~♪ food~♪
Fall 2015
111 夜戦なら夕立を連れてってほしいっぽい!うずうずするっぽい!ぽ~い!!
If it's night battle I want you to bring me along-poi! I'm itching to fight-poi! Poi!
Fall Event 2015
112 メリークリスマスっぽい!もうこれは、素敵なパーティするしかないっぽい!
Merry Christmas-poi! This calls for, like, throwing a great party!
Christmas 2015
113 はむ、んにゃ…ケーキも甘くて、おいしいっぽーい。んむぅ…でも、あんまり食べ過ぎると、排水量が増えちゃうっぽい。ぽ~い…
Mmm... the cake is so sweet and delicious poi! Umm...but if I eat too much, my displacement may exceed limitations poi. Po~i...
Christmas 2015
114 もう一年も終わりっぽい、なんだか速いっぽい、来年も夕立~頑張るっぽい!
This year has already ended-poi. Somehow it came fast-poi. Yuudachi will also do her best next year-poi!
End of Year 2015
115 春は気持ちいっぽい、外に出かけたいっぽい、気持ちがわくわくするっぽい!
Spring feels good-poi! I want to go outside-poi! I'm feeling all excited-poi!
Spring 2016
116 ぽーい!提督さん、ついに3周年っぽい!すごいっぽい、やるっぽい!ぽいぽいぽ~い!
Po~i! Admiral, It's finally the third anniversary poi! It's awesome poi! Way to go poi! poi, poi, poooi!
Third Anniversary 2016
117 夏が終わったぽい~秋が来るぽい~ぽいぽいぽい!
Summer is over poi! Autumn is coming poi! poi, poi, poi!
Fall 2016
118 う~ん、雨の日は出不精なってしまいがちだけど、でも外に出かけるっぽい!ぽーい♪
Hmm... rainy days tend to keep one at home but... still, it feels like I can go out now. Poi~
Rainy Season 2016


No. Japanese Source
200 あなたが特型駆逐艦の一番艦,なんだか地味っぽい。 Episode 1 04:53
201 だって,私の引き出しにもう入らないっぽい。 Episode 1 05:15
202 また始まった,睦月ちゃん細かすぎっぽい。 Episode 1 05:28
203 相変わらず夜戦バカっぽい。 Episode 1 06:12
204 ここが教室っぽい。 Episode 1 07:52
205 一回は何もしないうちに,先輩たちが倒して終わっちゃったっぽいしね。 Episode 1 08:22
206 一航戦の先輩たちの演習っぽい。 Episode 1 08:47
207 やばいっぽい。 Episode 1 10:01
208 赤城先輩 かっこいいっぽいもんね。 Episode 1 11:01
209 二人でいる時は声かけないほうがいいっぽいよ。 Episode 1 11:41
210 どこか調子悪いっぽい?。 Episode 1 16:53
211 実戦経験がないっぽい。 Episode 1 17:05
212 出撃させてもらえなかったっぽい? Episode 1 17:13
213 いい加減っぽい。 Episode 1 17:38
214 見て こんなにいるっぽい。 Episode 1 18:43
215 ウソっぽい。 Episode 1 22:20
216 事件っぽい? Episode 1 24:25


No. Japanese Source
300 大丈夫っぽい? Bright Shower Days
301 空は夕立ぽーい,これから。 Bright Shower Days
302 ぽーい,ぽいぽい! Bright Shower Days
303 海は凪いだっぽーい,それから。 Bright Shower Days