
A simple node.js and pixi.js showcase that filters and displays twitter messages

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter Game

This a simple application made with Node.JS, Socket.io, Piwi.js and twit.js for showcase purposes. It fetches twitter posts matching any of the hashtags in a (hard-coded) configuration file. It should also fetch new posts in real time, although this functionality may not work. Clicking on a post makes it disappear and increments the on-screen score.

How to run it

The following steps are necessary to run this application:

  • Install node.js and npm
  • Install the following dependencies with npm:
    • socket.io ~1.4.8
    • pixi.js: ~4.0.1
    • twit: ~2.2.4
  • Install browserify
  • Edit the hashtag_list.js file and add/remove the hashtags of your choosing
  • Edit the twitter_keys.js file and add your own keys (see Twitter keys below)
    • NOTE: These keys should not be commited and pushed upstream; if you do commit this file, I recommend resetting your keys on your twitter account
  • Run browserify: browserify main.js >build.js
  • Start a server: node server.js
  • Open main.html is your browser
  • You're done!

Twitter keys

The server part of this application needs twitter keys to work. To get a new set of keys, go to apps.twitter.com, select Create new app and fill out the fields. Once you're on your new app's page, go to the Keys and Access Tokens tab, and copy-paste the appropriate fields into the twitter_keys.js file.