
Opcache Stats for Prometheus

Primary LanguagePHP

Opcache Prometheus Stats

The goal of this project is to have a native PHP page to display Opcache stats in Prometheus Format and avoid any "Go, Python, ...) exporter.


git clone (...)
cd opcache_stats
composer install

If you want an artifact

tar --exclude-vcs -zcvf opcache_stats.tar.gz opcache_stats


Apache HTTPd Server

  • Example of configuration on localhost with multiple FPM Pool
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName default

    ServerAdmin root@poil.fr

    DocumentRoot /srv/www/monitoring
    <Directory /srv/www/monitoring>
       AllowOverride None
       Require all granted

    <Location "/pl-8.1-test1-opcache-status">
      Require all denied
      Require ip
      Alias "/srv/www/monitoring/opcache_stats/index.php"
      SetHandler "proxy:unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.test1.sock|fcgi://test1"

    <Location "/pl-8.1-test2-opcache-status">
      Require all denied
      Require ip
      Alias "/srv/www/monitoring/opcache_stats/index.php"
      SetHandler "proxy:unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.test2.sock|fcgi://test2"

Prometheus / Opentelemetry Agent

  • It looks like mandatory to have a Job per pool because metrics_path is per job, if anyone have better idea he can do a PR :)
- job_name: opcache-test1
  metrics_path: /pl-8.1-test1-opcache-status
  scrape_interval: 1m
    - targets: ['']
- job_name: opcache-test2
  metrics_path: /pl-8.1-test2-opcache-status
  scrape_interval: 1m
    - targets: ['']