
A basic image editor written in Python

Primary LanguagePython


A basic image editor written in python. It has support for layers, so you can edit multiple images at once and create compund images.


  • Тhe usual image enchancers for brightness, saturation, contrast and sharpness
  • Arbitrary degrees of rotation for images
  • Flips in the vertical and horizontal space
  • Supports arbitrary positioning of the layers on the canvas
  • Supports scaling on the X, Y and XY axis
  • Supports cropping
  • Has some basic filters like Grayscale and Negative
  • Supports undo (ctrl+shift+z) and redo (ctrl+shift+y) on image modifications
  • Supports layers by displaying images from top to bottom layer
  • Can save images in PNG, JPEG and GIF format
  • Can open JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO and PPM images
  • Image edits are not destructive except the filters


  • The program uses PySimpleGUI in order to display the UI
  • You need to have tkinter installed as well
  • Image modifications are handled by Pillow

Tested on Windows and Linux


  • Add support for arbitrary size for the canvas(it is locked in a 1:1 aspect ratio with a resolution of 500x500)
  • Implement a pseudo background remover using the flood fill algorithm
  • Add an are you sure you want to leave without saving prompt
  • Add more keyboard shortcuts
  • Unify UI components for Windows, Linux and Mac
  • Add more filters like Multiply and Color Dodge

Instructions on running the application

  1. Download the source code/clone the repository
  2. Navigate to the project's directory
  3. Create a virtual environment using py -m venv .venv and activate it (Optional)
  4. Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the application using py main.py

You can also run the test by running py -m unittest in the /test directory


Ex1 Ex2 Ex3