A plugin for the Salesforce CLI built by Wade Wegner and containing a lot of helpful commands.
Install the SDFX CLI.
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:wadewegner/sfdx-waw-plugin.git
Install npm modules:
npm install
Link the plugin:
sfdx plugins:link .
- Install plugin:
sfdx plugins:install sfdx-waw-plugin
Simple example: sfdx waw:connectedapp:create -u <username|alias> -n <ConnectedAppName>
With a self-signed certificate: sfdx waw:connectedapp:create -u <username|alias> -n <ConnectedAppName> -r
Lots of options available:
-> sfdx waw:connectedapp:create --help
Usage: sfdx waw:connectedapp:create
Create a connected app in your org
-c, --callbackurl CALLBACKURL # callbackUrl (default is "sfdx://success")
-r, --certificate # create and register a certificate
-d, --description DESCRIPTION # connected app description
-n, --name NAME # connected app name
-s, --scopes SCOPES # scopes separated by commas (defaut: Basic, Api, Web, Refresh; valid: Basic, Api, Web, Full, Chatter, CustomApplications, RefreshToken, OpenID, CustomPermissions, Wave, Eclair)
-u, --targetusername TARGETUSERNAME # username or alias for the target org
List a Connected App: sfdx waw:connectedapp:list -u <username|alias> -n <ConnectedAppName>
Display project: sfdx waw:project:display
Display package directories: sfdx waw:project:display -p
Set default package: sfdx waw:project:pdir:set -p <directory>
Create: sfdx waw:project:pdir:create -p <directory>
Create as default: sfdx waw:project:pdir:create -p <directory> -d
Delete: sfdx waw:project:pdir:delete -p <directory>
Create a new workspace:
sfdx force:workspace:create -n yourname
Get open source:
sfdx waw:source:oss -r WadeWegner/Strike-Components -p force-app/main/default/
- Create a manifest:
sfdx waw:source:create -p force-app/main/default/
sfdx waw:trace:list
sfdx waw:trace:list -u <targetusername>
sfdx waw:trace:create
sfdx waw:trace:create -u <targetusername>
sfdx waw:trace:delete
sfdx waw:trace:delete -u <targetusername>