Redefine chromHMM feature colors
User06511-lab opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi @PoisonAlien, thank you for creating this tool!
As my data is derived from mice, and UCSC does not provide a matching mm10 chromHMM bigBED file for my data type, I had to find an alternative source. This search led me to utilize this attached file: mESC_E14_12_dense.annotated.bed.gz, from guifengwei.
Although I can execute the commands successfully,
#Path to bigWig files
bw_path <- "main_path/IGV_BW"
bigWigs <- c(file.path(bw_path, ""),
file.path(bw_path, ""),
file.path(bw_path, ""),
file.path(bw_path, ""))
#Make a table of bigWigs along with ref genome build
bigWigs <- read_coldata(bws = bigWigs, build = "mm10")
#Region to plot
target_loci <- "chr3:129199878-129219590"
#Extract bigWig signal for a loci of interest
t <- track_extract(colData = bigWigs, loci = target_loci)
# Add cytoband and change colors for each track
track_cols <- colors
# Add peak information
peak_annotation <- c("main_path/standard.peaks") #Standardized Peak file
# Add chromHMM track based on mESC data
chromHMM_peaks <- "mESC_E14_12_dense.annotated.bed" # From
# Plot
track_plot(summary_list = t,
col = track_cols,
show_ideogram = TRUE,
peaks = peak_annotation,
chromHMM = chromHMM_peaks,
y_max = 15)
the chromHMM track is still colored by the hg19/38 chromHMM definition, not the one defined innately from my chromHMM file.
I know that in your "H1_chromHMM.bed", the 4th column specifies the types of chromHMM feature.
head -n 5 H1_chromHMM.bed
chr6 31125621 31126021 1
chr6 31126021 31127821 2
chr6 31127821 31128221 6
chr6 31128221 31129421 11
chr6 31129421 31129621 7
And although my mESC_E14_12_dense.annotated.bed also specified the feature type in the 4th column, the nomenclature is different from yours. And the 9th column contains the RGB code.
head -n 5 mESC_E14_12_dense.annotated.bed
track name="mESC_E14_12" description=" mESC_E14_12State (Emission ordered)" visibility=1 itemRgb="On"
chr10 0 1000 12_LowSignal/RepetitiveElements 0 . 0 1000 255,255,204
chr10 1000 3107400 2_Intergenic 0 . 1000 3107400 0,153,204
chr10 3107400 3108400 1_Insulator 0 . 3107400 3108400 0,0,255
chr10 3108400 3118600 2_Intergenic 0 . 3108400 3118600 0,153,204
I am wondering if there is a way to modify 'track_plot' so that it can recognize the need for redefining colors.
Thanks a lot!
You can define your own set of colors for chromHMM states with the chromHMM_cols
argument in track_plot()
chromhmm_cols = c("red", "red4", "purple", "orange", "orange", "yellow", "yellow",
"blue", "darkgreen", "darkgreen", "lightgreen", "gray", "gray90",
"gray90", "gray90")
names(chromhmm_cols) = 1:15 #Rename accordingly
track_plot(..., chromHMM_cols = chromhmm_cols)
I hope this helps.
Hi @PoisonAlien,
Thanks for the help! I have checked some loci and it is re-coloring the chromHMM track correctly.
However, I wonder if track_plot()
automatically recognizes the numerical prefix before each feature name, such as the "12" in "12_LowSignal/RepetitiveElements"?
I noticed that your chromHMM BED file only has numbers in the 4th column, which makes perfect sense to use names(chromhmm_cols) = 1:15
, but mine contains other characters... just curious to know
You need to name the color vector with all the unique values in your 4th column.
chromhmm_cols = c("red", "red4", "purple", "orange", "orange", "yellow", "yellow",
"blue", "darkgreen", "darkgreen", "lightgreen", "gray", "gray90",
"gray90", "gray90")
names(chromhmm_cols) = unique(mESC_E14_12_dense.annotated.bed[,4])
Thank you, this works now.
bed_data <- read.table("mm10_chromHMM/mESC_E14_12_dense.annotated.bed", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, skip = 1)
names(chromhmm_cols) <- unique(bed_data[,4])
[1] "12_LowSignal/RepetitiveElements" "2_Intergenic"
[3] "1_Insulator" "5_RepressedChromatin"
[5] "4_Enhancer" "3_Heterochromatin"
[7] "8_StrongEnhancer" "6_BivalentChromatin"
[9] "7_ActivePromoter" "11_WeakEnhancer"
[11] "10_TranscriptionElongation" "9_TranscriptionTransition"
However, when I supplied the feature names one by one, the final plot did not have the chromHMM track.
names(chromhmm_cols) <- c("1_Insulator",
pdf(file.path(outputPath, "test.pdf"))
track_plot(summary_list = t,
col = track_cols,
show_ideogram = TRUE,
peaks = peak_annotation,
chromHMM = chromHMM_peaks, chromHMM_cols = chromhmm_cols,
y_min = 0, y_max = 15)
I guess I shouldn't worry about it much now since your suggestions worked, but I was slightly confused when this happened.