- 0
how to save the plot generated by track_plot
#40 opened by lexie-lee - 0
Issue in generating plot
#39 opened by Bioinfo9 - 4
Issue Encountered with Script Sourcing
#38 opened by XuanrZhang - 4
using a non-standard mouse genome build
#37 opened by jcm6t - 2
Custom gene annotation - alternative to UCSC
#36 opened by jcm6t - 1
track_plot issues
#35 opened by murali0123 - 0
Highlight color alpha differs between tracks
#34 opened by SergioRodLla - 3
Problem - Genomic Region Viewing Window
#33 opened by BolisLab - 0
Plot multiple tracks overlaid
#14 opened by dgoekbuget - 1
show_ideogram errors
#17 opened by ejc043 - 3
- 0
Support IGV.js browser sessions
#31 opened by PoisonAlien - 1
- 1
Issue with MySQL when accessing UCSC
#28 opened by jsangalang - 12
Error in track_extract()
#30 opened by h20gg702 - 4
Redefine chromHMM feature colors
#29 opened by User06511-lab - 2
Error loading custom genome and gtf files
#26 opened by PeterMulhair - 1
unused arguments
#25 opened by Sinevadada - 2
can't install dependencies on MacOS 12.6.8
#24 opened by Sinevadada - 4
Could not locate mysql.
#15 opened by chenggang108 - 0
highlight is not continue
#13 opened by houruiyan - 4
Collapsing transcripts..
#11 opened by houruiyan - 1
did not show transcription picture
#12 opened by houruiyan - 5
- 2
Maximum track limit
#23 opened by peterpdu - 2
Custom GTF
#22 opened by peterpdu - 1
mysql cmd needs to be updated
#19 opened by gabrielascui - 1
Highlighting genomic loci from large coordinates
#20 opened by ejc043 - 8
- 1
invalid unsigned integer: "4e+05"
#18 opened by yikiii - 0
Source(trackplot.R) fails because of 'select' function for signature 'data.frame'
#16 opened by gabrielascui - 7
- 1
issue about "Collapsing transcripts.."
#9 opened by fjmuzengyiheng - 1
run track_plot function but return NULL
#8 opened by ChaoXu1997 - 1
use this in windows
#7 opened by junjunlab - 4
Negative value scale
#6 opened by dgoekbuget - 4
- 2
- 2
Error: object 'color_scheme' not found
#1 opened by eyleencorrales