
This is a script to bulk convert your aax Files from Audible to m4b using ffmpeg

Primary LanguageShell


The Script Generator Script will create a personalized Script to Process all your AAX Files from Audible in a Folder with ffmpeg.

  • This script will convert them to M4B Files.
  • It will keep the original Filename, Meta Data, Images and Chapters contained in the AAX File.
  • It will delete the AAX Files once processed.


This Script Requires FFMPEG to be installed on your host.

To clone the repositroy you need GIT.

Alternatively do the manual Script setup below!

The following only needs to be done once to retrieve your activation_bytes if you don't have them:

This Script also requires your personal Activation Bytes to decrypt you Files.

To retrieve you activation Bytes you can use the Following repository --> https://github.com/inAudible-NG/tables


I followed along the following Video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bB6phEtDFI

Usage on Linux

Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/Poizunlol/Convert_Audible_AAX_to_M4B

Go to Folder "Convert_Audible_AAX_to_M4B"

cd Convert_Audible_AAX_to_M4B/

Make Script Executable

chmod +x scriptcreatorscript.sh

Execute Script


Move the finished Script to the location of aax Files

mv yourscriptname.sh /your/path/to/the/files

Manual Script creation:

Just create a script locally, copy paste the script and put in you activation_bytes:

for file in *.aax; do
  ffmpeg -activation_bytes 12345678 -i "$file" -c copy "${file%.aax}.m4b"
  rm "$file"

Don't forget to make it executable:

chmod +x yourscript.sh

Execute Script
