
Talk about API to Project E

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hey Map Team 1,

I'm from Project E AKA the UI team AKA your customer. Since you don't have an issue open where I could post what I'm going to say, I am so shameless and create one! Sorry for that!

I just wanted to announce that our team had a very productive team meeting yesterday in which we created an app storyboard with all screens of the app. Now, it is somewhat clear for us what we need. I'm going to write down all the API features until this evening and then publish it as a first draft of the API. Then it will be feedback time :) I'll post a link in this issue here once it's ready.

SPOILER: Since all Pokemon data will flow through this API, it will also include functionality that is not directly map related. However, for you that will mean just a few additional JSON API calls.

Edit The current proposal is to have two client-side libraries: PokeData JS API and PokeMap JS API.

The PokeMap JS API issue PokemonGoers/Catch-em-all#24

Hey @MajorBreakfast,

As per the issue from PokeMap2 group: [https://github.com/PokemonGoers/PokeMap-2/issues/16], we are a bit confused on the "API" that you want from us. From the issue of PokeMap2 it looked like you were going to discuss with Project A first. Please let us know how are we going to tackle this.

By the way, we are currently working on an self contained Angular module. What we can offer is a simple div (not now, in a few days :)), as specified by Guy in this issue: PokemonGoers/Catch-em-all#9 (comment). To create also an idea of how our app will look like, you can have a look at our live demo here: https://pokemongoers.github.io/PokeMap-1/


The PokeMap JS API issue PokemonGoers/Catch-em-all#24

@gqinami There is no need for you to develop a UI except the map itself since that is our team's main task after all :) We're still awaiting comments by the tutors. Anyway, let's keep the discussion in PokemonGoers/Catch-em-all#24 and see how everything develops.

@gqinami yes @MajorBreakfast is right. You can develop a UI toolbar to test your functions a.s.o., but keep it separated from the map (aka: the slider that you just implemented calls functions on your tool, rather than making changes directly on the map). This way the web team can call the functions but implement a different tool-bar according to what they want (or simply copy yours and apply a few style changes).

Since all the discussion for the interface is at PokemonGoers/Catch-em-all#24, can we close this issue?

Looks like it