
Pokémon TCG SDK - Dart

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


The official Dart SDK for the Pokemon TCG Developers API. An API key is required to use.


  1. Sign up for a Pokemon TCG Developers account at https://pokemontcg.io/ and get your API key
  2. Import this package
  3. Initialize the API:
final api = PokemonTcgApi(apiKey: 'your_api_key');
  1. Use according to your needs

Note: When using getCards() and getCardsForSet() you should use the PaginatedPokemonCards class.

Available functions:

  • getCards()
  • getCardsForSet('set_id')
  • getCard('card_id') // example 'xy7-54'
  • getSets()
  • getSet('set_id') // example: 'swsh5'
  • getTypes()
  • getSubtypes()
  • getSupertypes()
  • getRarities()

Roadmap 🚀

  • /sets
  • /sets/:id
  • /cards
  • /cards/:id
  • /types
  • /subtypes
  • /supertypes
  • /rarities