
Pokémon TCG SDK - Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Pokémon TCG SDK

This is the Pokémon TCG SDK Kotlin implementation. It is a wrapper around the Pokémon TCG API of pokemontcg.io

Installation Download

Add this line to your dependencies {...} block in your build.gradle file

implementation 'io.pokemontcg:pokemon-tcg-sdk-kotlin:{latest}'



val pokemon = Pokemon()

val cards = pokemon.card().all()

There is also support for RxJava2

	.subscribe({ cards ->
		// Do something...
	}, { t -> 
		// Some error...

Query Support

val cards = pokemon.card()
        .where {
            nationalPokedexNumber = 150
            hp = 80.gt()
            // Alternatively "Water|Electric|Fire"
            types = "Water" or "Electric" or "Fire" 
        .all() // or .observeAll() for RxJava2

You can find all the applicable query fields in this file: CardQueryBuilder.kt

Find a single card by id:

val card = pokemon.card()
	.find("xy7-54") // or .observeFind("xy7-54") for RxJava2


val pokemon = Pokemon()

val sets = pokemon.set().all()

RxJava2 Support

	.subscribe({ sets ->
		// Do something...
	}, { t-> 
		// Some error...

Query Support

val sets = pokemon.set()
	.where {
		totalCards = 100.gt()
		standardLegal = true
		expandedLegal = true
	.all() // or .observeAll() for RxJava2

You can find all the applicable query fields in this file: CardSetQueryBuilder.kt

Find a single set by code

val set = pokemon.set().find("xy1") // or .observeFind("xy1") for RxJava2


Get a list of the available Pokémon card types

val pokemon = Pokemon()

// Get the list of card types i.e. Fire, Water, Electric, etc...
val types = pokemon.type().all() // .observeAll() for RxJava2

// Get a list of availble card super types i.e. Pokémon, Trainer, Energy
val superTypes = pokemon.superType().all() // .observeAll()

// Get a list of card subtypes i.e. Basic, Stage 1, Item, Supporter, etc...
val subTypes = pokemon.subType().all() // .observeAll()

Helper Extension Functions

There are a few extension functions to help simplify your queries

infix fun String.and(): String = ...
infix fun String.or(): String = ...

These functions allow you to compose and/or query options i.e.






types = "water" or "fire" or "electric"
types = "water" and "fire" and "fighting"

A few of the number based query options allow for 4 options:

  • gt - Greater than
  • gte - Greater than or equal to
  • lt - Less than
  • lte - Less than equal

and you can use the following extension functions to better streamline them:

fun Int.gt(): String = ...
fun Int.gte(): String = ...
fun Int.lt(): String = ...
fun Int.lte(): String = ...

hp = 80.gt()
attackDamage = 100.lte()


You can override the URL and the http logging level by passing the Config class instance when creating your Pokemon class instance like so:

val config = Config(apiUrl = "http://example.com/api/v1/", logLevel = Level.BODY)
val pokemon = Pokemon(config)