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The Coding Career Handbook
I'm a GitHub Star ⭐ and Head of Developer Experience at Airbyte. I previously worked in DevRel/DX at Netlify, AWS, and Temporal.io.
In my personal capacity, do a lot of writing and speaking, teach React and TypeScript at Egghead.io and publish a daily podcast and weekly newsletter (subscribe!) curating the best of what I read and listen to.
I also self-published The Coding Career Handbook to condense all the tacit knowledge developers need to succeed in our industry. Join our community!

- See my full about page here as well as featured writing.
- 👯 I am on the Career Chats, Svelte Radio, and Swyx Mixtape podcasts.
- 💬 Ask me about Svelte and React and Temporal and Airbyte!
- 📫 How to reach me:
swyx at hey dot com
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I was once detained in Cuba on suspicion of being a spy
I would like to add you to my professional network on the GITHUB.
- Flutter:
- React:
- Machine Learning:
- Nice Projects:
- wow cool readme:
- Creativity:
- TypeScript:
- JavaScript:
- Self-Start:
- javascript:
- UAV's & Drones:
- GitHub Readme AWESOMENESS:
- Deep Learning:
- Machine learning:
- Artificial intelligence:
- Black Magic:
- Matlab:
- Robotics:
- TypeScript:
- GitHub Readme! :
- Microsoft Word:
- Dank memes:
- Having awesome ideas:
- Endorse new skill!