NYPL Exporter

New York Public Library exporter is a tool to export metadata from NYPL Digital Collections API as a prometheus metric. Built as a demo for Grafana Labs + Friends meetup


  1. First create an account at https://api.repo.nypl.org/ and get an API key.
  2. Export the API key as an environment variable export NYPL_API_KEY=your-api-key
  3. Run the exporter go run main.go
  4. Visit http://localhost:8080/metrics to see the metrics.

Topics covered in presentation

Over the course of the talk, we covered the following topics:

  • What is Prometheus and why it's useful
  • What is a Prometheus Exporter
  • How to start using the Prometheus go client library
  • Foundational elements for setting up an exporter
    • Prometheus registry
    • Creating metrics and registering them
    • Writing out metrics to the filesystem
    • Creating a simple HTTP server to expose the metrics

What's next

The final commit of this repository is a working exporter that was built live for the meetup. It's a solid base to start for Go if you're trying to build your own exporter, however it's not a complete solution. Here are some ideas to improve it:

  • Add operational metrics for the collector(think last duration, error count for api requests, total api requests, etc)
  • Create unit tests for the collector
  • Create a Grafana Dashboard that can be shared publicly
  • Set up a Dockerfile to run the exporter in a container
  • Update the http server so that it can gracefully shutdown on SIGTERM/SIGINT signals