
Modified fast-lio2 for localization in prior map

Primary LanguageC++


Modified Fast-LIO2 for localization in prior map.

Blue point is the prior map, white point is current scan. When the white point stop twinkling, icp registration successed, and fast-lio2 starts in relocalization mode.

launch file description

In FAST_LIO2 package

mapping.launch.py is the launch file for Fast-LIO2 Mapping. i.e. the original Fast-LIO2.

localization.launch.py is the launch file for Fast-LIO2 Localization. Change the map_path in the fast_lio_relocalization_param.yaml, which is under the config folder in the FAST_LIO2 package.

In icp_relocalization package

icp.launch.py is the launch file for ICP Relocalization.


A example of launch file is provided at example.launch.py. It will call the icp_node and localization.launch.py to do the re-localization.

Change the map_path in the example launch file to the path of the map you want to localize in. i.e. same as the map_path in fast_lio_relocalization_param.yaml. Additionally, you should give a initial guess of the pose of the robot in the map by changing initial_x, initial_y etc. in the launch file.


I'd love to hear from you if you have any suggestions or find any bugs. Please feel free to open an issue or make a pull request or contact me in any way you like.