DevTools --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors and Contributors: Iriel <> Kirov Esamynn --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Development/research tools for WoW API development A simple AddOn which provides some slash commands /reload Just a shortcut (since I'm lazy) for /script ReloadUI() /dump expression Prints the result of executing a LUA expression (Basically /script but with output). It should be able to handle pretty much any kind of return data (including self-referential nested tables!) e.g. /dump GetPlayerMapPosition("player") DevTools: value=GetPlayerMapPosition("player") [1]0.43320921063423 [2]0.69365233182907 /dtchatevent Toggle chat event tracking/debugging (this is a saved setting). When active each chat frame message (in all standard ChatFrames) will be prefixed by a marker that can be clicked on the pop up the details of the event that created it. /dtchatevent buffer Displays the current chat event rolling buffer size. /dtchatevent buffer <size> Set the current chat event rolling buffer size (e.g. /dtchatevent buffer 10000), the default buffer size is 1000. /dtframestack Toggles the 'frame stack' window, which displays the stack of visible frames under the mouse pointer. (There are also key bindings for this). /dteventtrace [command] /dtevents [command] Without any command it toggles visibility of the event trace frame. The following commands are also recognized: stop -- Halts collection of events start -- Starts normal collection of events fill -- Starts collection of 50 events (then stops) toggle -- Equivalent to no parameters --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration You can set the following global values to change the behaviour of /dump: DEVTOOLS_MAX_ENTRY_CUTOFF = 30; -- Maximum table entries shown DEVTOOLS_LONG_STRING_CUTOFF = 200; -- Maximum string size shown DEVTOOLS_DEPTH_CUTOFF = 10; -- Maximum table depth DEVTOOLS_USE_TABLE_CACHE = true; -- Look up table names DEVTOOLS_USE_FUNCTION_CACHE = true;-- Look up function names DEVTOOLS_USE_USERDATA_CACHE = true;-- Look up userdata names DEVTOOLS_INDENT=' '; -- Indentation string --------------------------------------------------------------------------- History 1.11 - 2008-08-08 * More WoLK beta fixes (FauxScrollFrame related) 1.10 - 2008-08-08 * Various WoLK beta fixes 1.9 - 2008-07-19 * Updated for 3.0 slash command handling 1.8 - 2008-04-19 * Removed dependency on Blizzard_CombatLog since symbols are in base UI now * Added /dteventtrace [no]auto to toggle automatic startup on addon reload IMPORTANT: THE DEFAULT IS TO **NOT** AUTOMATICALLY START * Audited global variables and cleaned up some code 1.7 - 2008-02-18 * Updated to describe COMBAT_LOG_EVENT fields in much more detail * Added optional dependency on blizzard combat log to load constants * Automatically scans global environment for COMBATLOG_OBJECT_ constants 1.6 - 2008-02-17 * Updated event trace in order to store larger number of args due to 2.4 combat logs. * Improved memory usage of event detail popup 1.5 - 2006-12-24 * Removed some extra debug messages * Added scrollbar to event frame * Added keybindings to event frame WHEN SELECTED UP/DOWN -- Previous/Next displayed event SHIFT-UP/DOWN -- Previous/Next event CTRL-UP/DOWN -- Previous/Next event with same name PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN -- Fast scrolling up and down of display list. 1.4 - 2006-12-21 * Fixed /dtevents so it works 1.3 - 2006-12-19 * Re-implemented lots of EventTrace options frame innards * Added EventTrace key bindings for start/stop/toggle/fill/show * Some cleanup of EventTrace code 1.2 - 2006-12-17 * Added slash command for event trace frame * Cleaned up some event trace code in preparation for full functionality * Updated framestack to show visually which frames are mouse enabled * Miscellaneous efficiency improvements 1.1pre1 - 2006-10-07 * First stage integration of event list display and filtering is now complete. * Significant enhancements for lua 5.1 1.0pre2 - 2006-04-09 * Added /dtchatevent buffer * Added tooltip error when clicking on out-of-buffer event link * Added line wrapping for long event arguments and escaping of newlines * Added easy indication for runs of spaces (and spaces at beginning or end of strings). * Added /dtframestack (plus key bindings) 1.0pre1 - 2006-04-03 * Added /dtchatevent * Rearranged code a little 0.7 - 2006-03-27 * Switched from RunScript to loadstring 0.6 - 2005-08-30 * Fixed tableEntriesSkipped issue. 0.5 - 2005-07-23 * Added function cache (gives names of functions if known) * Added userdata cache (gives names of userdata if known) * Cleaned up trailing comma formatting so it's more consistent * Added customizable indentation (DEVTOOLS_INDENT) * Restructured scanner to be a little more object oriented (for future development) * Switched many formatting tasks to use string.format * Handle function/userdata/table table keys better. * Made DevTools_Dump(value) friendly enough to use from code for debugging. 0.4 - 2005-03-20 * Added cutoff for deep tables * Added table cache for self-referential tables * Cleaned up display of name table keys * Added nicer handling for simple variable dumps * Added color coding of output 0.3 - 2005-02-05 * Re-worked output method for large objects. * Removed message on load to reduce spam * Added limits on max table entries and max string length output 0.2 - 2004-12-27 * Added some documentation 0.1 * Initial version, /dump and /reload