
Debgugging, Exploration, and Diagnostic Tools

Primary LanguageLua

Authors and Contributors:
	Iriel <iriel@vigilance-committee.org>
Development/research tools for WoW API development

A simple AddOn which provides some slash commands


Just a shortcut (since I'm lazy) for /script ReloadUI()

/dump expression

Prints the result of executing a LUA expression (Basically /script but with
output). It should be able to handle pretty much any kind of return data
(including self-referential nested tables!)

	/dump GetPlayerMapPosition("player")

	DevTools: value=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")


Toggle chat event tracking/debugging (this is a saved setting). When
active each chat frame message (in all standard ChatFrames) will be
prefixed by a marker that can be clicked on the pop up the details of
the event that created it.

/dtchatevent buffer 

Displays the current chat event rolling buffer size.

/dtchatevent buffer <size>

Set the current chat event rolling buffer size
(e.g. /dtchatevent buffer 10000), the default buffer size is 1000.


Toggles the 'frame stack' window, which displays the stack of visible
frames under the mouse pointer. (There are also key bindings for this).

/dteventtrace [command]
/dtevents [command]

Without any command it toggles visibility of the event trace frame. The
following commands are also recognized:

   stop       -- Halts collection of events
   start      -- Starts normal collection of events
   fill       -- Starts collection of 50 events (then stops)
   toggle     -- Equivalent to no parameters


You can set the following global values to change the behaviour of /dump:

DEVTOOLS_MAX_ENTRY_CUTOFF = 30;    -- Maximum table entries shown
DEVTOOLS_LONG_STRING_CUTOFF = 200; -- Maximum string size shown
DEVTOOLS_DEPTH_CUTOFF = 10;        -- Maximum table depth
DEVTOOLS_USE_TABLE_CACHE = true;   -- Look up table names
DEVTOOLS_USE_FUNCTION_CACHE = true;-- Look up function names
DEVTOOLS_USE_USERDATA_CACHE = true;-- Look up userdata names
DEVTOOLS_INDENT='  ';              -- Indentation string


1.11 - 2008-08-08
* More WoLK beta fixes (FauxScrollFrame related)

1.10 - 2008-08-08
* Various WoLK beta fixes

1.9 - 2008-07-19
* Updated for 3.0 slash command handling

1.8 - 2008-04-19
* Removed dependency on Blizzard_CombatLog since symbols are in base UI now
* Added /dteventtrace [no]auto to toggle automatic startup on addon reload
* Audited global variables and cleaned up some code

1.7 - 2008-02-18
* Updated to describe COMBAT_LOG_EVENT fields in much more detail
* Added optional dependency on blizzard combat log to load constants
* Automatically scans global environment for COMBATLOG_OBJECT_ constants

1.6 - 2008-02-17
* Updated event trace in order to store larger number of args due to
  2.4 combat logs.
* Improved memory usage of event detail popup

1.5 - 2006-12-24
* Removed some extra debug messages
* Added scrollbar to event frame
* Added keybindings to event frame WHEN SELECTED
    UP/DOWN -- Previous/Next displayed event
    SHIFT-UP/DOWN -- Previous/Next event
    CTRL-UP/DOWN -- Previous/Next event with same name
    PAGEUP/PAGEDOWN -- Fast scrolling up and down of display list.

1.4 - 2006-12-21
* Fixed /dtevents so it works

1.3 - 2006-12-19
* Re-implemented lots of EventTrace options frame innards
* Added EventTrace key bindings for start/stop/toggle/fill/show
* Some cleanup of EventTrace code

1.2 - 2006-12-17
* Added slash command for event trace frame
* Cleaned up some event trace code in preparation for full functionality
* Updated framestack to show visually which frames are mouse enabled
* Miscellaneous efficiency improvements

1.1pre1 - 2006-10-07
* First stage integration of event list display and filtering is now
* Significant enhancements for lua 5.1

1.0pre2 - 2006-04-09
* Added /dtchatevent buffer
* Added tooltip error when clicking on out-of-buffer event link
* Added line wrapping for long event arguments and escaping of newlines
* Added easy indication for runs of spaces (and spaces at beginning or end
  of strings).
* Added /dtframestack (plus key bindings)

1.0pre1 - 2006-04-03
* Added /dtchatevent
* Rearranged code a little

0.7 - 2006-03-27
* Switched from RunScript to loadstring

0.6 - 2005-08-30
* Fixed tableEntriesSkipped issue.

0.5 - 2005-07-23
* Added function cache (gives names of functions if known)
* Added userdata cache (gives names of userdata if known)
* Cleaned up trailing comma formatting so it's more consistent
* Added customizable indentation (DEVTOOLS_INDENT)
* Restructured scanner to be a little more object oriented (for future
* Switched many formatting tasks to use string.format
* Handle function/userdata/table table keys better.
* Made DevTools_Dump(value) friendly enough to use from code for debugging.

0.4 - 2005-03-20
* Added cutoff for deep tables
* Added table cache for self-referential tables
* Cleaned up display of name table keys
* Added nicer handling for simple variable dumps
* Added color coding of output

0.3 - 2005-02-05
* Re-worked output method for large objects.
* Removed message on load to reduce spam
* Added limits on max table entries and max string length output

0.2 - 2004-12-27
* Added some documentation

* Initial version, /dump and /reload