
🎨 Minimalist classless CSS for beautiful HTML by default.

Primary LanguageCSS

Decor CSS

Decor makes your default HTML look nicer.

It is easy to customize or cherry-pick.

No pre/post-compiler, just plain basic CSS.

Demo page


Add the CSS to your HTML to get your site decorated.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/decor.css">

Your default HTML will be beautifully repainted.

Advanced Usage

You may restrict usage of Decor to only some type of component, or want to customize.

To do so, import only the parts you want, eventually in a main css file of your own:

@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/parts/reset.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/parts/vars.css');
@import url('/css/my-custom-vars.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/parts/tags.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/parts/buttons.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/parts/grids.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/parts/forms.css');
@import url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/polight/decor@master/parts/toolbars.css');

This is a quick sample. You probably want to download Decor with a specific version to stabilize the behavior.

Advanced Styles

To provide with a more advanced styling, Decor provides you with some basic classes:


  • class="row": aligns children on the same line. Conveninent to get 2 elements besides each others.
  • class="row spaced": aligned items with maximum space between each other.
  • class="secondary": should be used on a child of a class="row" and will align the element to the right.


Buttons are styled by default. Some classes give a specific style:

  • <button class="primary">: the button is a main action.
  • <button class="plain">: the button behaves similarly to a link.
  • <button class="danger">: the button is a dangerous action, like an error a deletion.
  • <button class="primary danger">: the button is a primary dangerous action.
  • <a class="button"> will make a link look like a button. Same primary, plain and danger classes may be added.

Toolbar Widget

  • class="toolbar": provides a sticky toolbar. Great to have an action toolbar at the bottom of a section.