
Repo for a script that converts dates into Wh40k's Imperial Dating System

Primary LanguageShell



This script converts a date to the Imperial Dating System used in the Warhammer 40k universe



date2ids [flags] [date]


This script displays the date in the Imperial Dating System (IDS) format. If run without any arguments, it returns today's date converted to IDS. You can also specify a date or use flags for customization.

  • If you provide a specific date or use flags, the script will convert that date to IDS.
  • If you don't provide all the date information, the script will assume missing components are 0.
  • When both a date and flags are given, the script prioritizes the information passed through the flags.

Passing arguments is currently not implemented


The date you want to pass needs to be formatted as: DD-MM-YY or DD/MM/YY
If you pass the date it will assume the time of day is 00:00, unless you specify it with flags.


* `-h`, `--help`: Displays help.
* `-y YEAR`, `--year YEAR`: Specify the year (e.g., 2023).
* `-m MONTH`, `--month MONTH`: Specify the month (1-12).
* `-d DAY`, `--day DAY`: Specify the day of month (1-7).
* `-H HOUR`, `--hour HOUR`: Specify the hour of the day (0-23).
* `-M MINUTE`, `--minute MINUTE`: Specify the miunte of the hour (0-59).

Example usage

  • Display todays date in IDS.
Thu Jan  4 17:29:38 CET 2024