
Addresses and mnemonic manipulation & derivations

Primary LanguageHaskellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cardano Addresses


This module provides mnemonic (backup phrase) creation, and conversion of a mnemonic to seed for wallet restoration, and address derivation functionalities.


API documentation is available here.


cardano-address comes with a command-line interface for Linux. See the release artifacts or continuous integration artifacts to get a pre-compiled binary, or build a Docker image. The command-line is self explanatory by using --help on various commands and sub-commands.

💡 Most commands read argument from the standard input. This prevent sensitive information from appearing into your shell history and, makes it easy to pipe commands!

How to generate a recovery phrase (phrase.prv)
$ cardano-address recovery-phrase generate --size 15 > phrase.prv
exercise club noble adult miracle awkward problem olympic puppy private goddess piano fatal fashion vacuum
How to generate a root private key (root.xsk)
$ cardano-address key from-recovery-phrase Shelley < phrase.prv > root.xsk

ℹ️ Notice the root_xsk prefix to identify a root extended signing (private) key.

How to generate a payment verification key (addr.xvk)
$ cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0 < root.xsk | cardano-address key public --with-chain-code > addr.xvk

ℹ️ The last segment in the path is the key index and can be incremented up to 2^31-1 to derive more keys.

How to generate a stake verification key (stake.xvk)
$ cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/2/0 < root.xsk | cardano-address key public --with-chain-code > stake.xvk

ℹ️ The last segment in the path is the key index and can be incremented up to 2^31-1 to derive more keys.

How to generate a payment address from a payment key (payment.addr)
$ cardano-address address payment --network-tag testnet < addr.xvk > payment.addr
How to generate a delegated payment address from a stake key (payment-delegated.addr)
$ cardano-address address delegation $(cat stake.xvk) < payment.addr > payment-delegated.addr
How to generate a stake address from a stake key (stake.addr)
$ cardano-address address stake --network-tag testnet < stake.xvk > stake.addr
How to generate a payment verification key for shared wallet (addr_shared.vk, stake_shared.vk)

Let's generate extended root private key for shared style:

$ cardano-address key from-recovery-phrase Shared < phrase.prv > root_shared.xsk

Now generate payment verification key (role=0 is used). Please note that purpose 1854H is used for multisig.

$ cardano-address key child 1854H/1815H/0H/0/0 < root_shared.xsk | cardano-address key public --without-chain-code > addr_shared.vk

Generating delegation verification key is the similar (the only difference is role=2)

$ cardano-address key child 1854H/1815H/0H/2/0 < root_shared.xsk | cardano-address key public --without-chain-code > stake_shared.vk

ℹ️ The last segment in the path is the key index, which can be incremented to derive more keys. Up 2^31-1 keys are possible.

How to construct a multisig script hash (script.hash)

We consider addr_shared.1.vk and addr_shared.2.vk obtained like addr_shared.vk but by replacing the final index by 1 and 2 respectively.

$ cardano-address script hash "all [$(cat addr_shared.1.vk), $(cat addr_shared.2.vk)]" > script.hash

This script requires the signature from both signing keys corresponding to shared_addr.1.vk and shared_addr.2.vk (ie., shared_addr.1.sk and shared_addr.2.sk) in order to be valid. Similarly, we could require only one of the two signatures:

We can also use extended verification, eiher payment or delegation, keys. They can be obtained as the non-extended ones by using --with-chain-code option rather than --without-chain-option as above. They will give rise to the same script hash as for verification keys chain code is stripped upon calculation.

$ cardano-address script hash "any [$(cat addr_shared.1.xvk), $(cat addr_shared.2.xvk)]"

which is equivalent (functionally, but not in terms of hash value) to :

$ cardano-address script hash "at_least 1 [$(cat addr_shared.1.xvk), $(cat addr_shared.2.xvk)]"
How to construct a multisig script hash with timelocks
$  cardano-address script hash "all [$(cat addr_shared.1.xvk), $(cat addr_shared.2.xvk), active_from 100, active_until 120]"
How to validate a script
$  cardano-address script validate "at_least 1 [$(cat addr_shared.1.xvk), $(cat addr_shared.2.xvk), $(cat addr_shared.2.xvk)]"

$  cardano-address script validate --recommended  "at_least 1 [$(cat addr_shared.1.xvk), $(cat addr_shared.2.xvk), $(cat addr_shared.2.xvk)]"
Not validated: The list inside a script has duplicate keys (which is not recommended)..
How to get preimage for a script
$ cardano-address script preimage "all [addr_shared_vkh1zxt0uvrza94h3hv4jpv0ttddgnwkvdgeyq8jf9w30mcs6y8w3nq, addr_shared_vkh1y3zl4nqgm96ankt96dsdhc86vd5geny0wr7hu8cpzdfcqskq2cp]"

$  cardano-address script preimage "all [addr_shared_vkh1zxt0uvrza94h3hv4jpv0ttddgnwkvdgeyq8jf9w30mcs6y8w3nq, active_from 100, active_until 150]"
How to generate a payment script address from a script hash (script.addr)
$ cardano-address address payment --network-tag testnet < script.hash > script.addr
Correspondence between keys in cardano-addresses and cardano-cli (key.xsk key.xvk key.vk key.hash)
Let's assume we have mnemonic
$ cat recovery-phrase.prv
nothing heart matrix fly sleep slogan tomato pulse what roof rail since plastic false enlist

Construct root extended private key
$ cardano-address key from-recovery-phrase Shelley < recovery-phrase.prv > root.xprv

Construct extended private key for account ix=0H, role=0 and address ix=0
$ cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/0/0 < root.xprv > key.xsk

Create extended signing key using cardano-cli
$ cardano-cli key convert-cardano-address-key --shelley-payment-key --signing-key-file key.xsk --out-file key.skey
    "type": "PaymentExtendedSigningKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32",
    "description": "",
    "cborHex": "5880b0bf46232c7f0f58ad333030e43ffbea7c2bb6f8135bd05fb0d343ade8453c5eacc7ac09f77e16b635832522107eaa9f56db88c615f537aa6025e6c23da98ae8fbbbf6410e24532f35e9279febb085d2cc05b3b2ada1df77ea1951eb694f3834b0be1868d1c36ef9089b3b094f5fe1d783e4d5fea14e2034c0397bee50e65a1a"

The cborhex here contains of 4 parts:
1. prefix 5880 - bytestring of 128 bytes
2. signing key (64 bytes) - b0bf46232c7f0f58ad333030e43ffbea7c2bb6f8135bd05fb0d343ade8453c5eacc7ac09f77e16b635832522107eaa9f56db88c615f537aa6025e6c23da98ae8
3. verification key (32 bytes) - fbbbf6410e24532f35e9279febb085d2cc05b3b2ada1df77ea1951eb694f3834
4. chain code (32 bytes) - b0be1868d1c36ef9089b3b094f5fe1d783e4d5fea14e2034c0397bee50e65a1a

Create corresponding verification key using cardano-cli
$ cardano-cli key verification-key --signing-key-file key.skey --verification-key-file key.vkey
    "type": "PaymentExtendedVerificationKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32",
    "description": "",
    "cborHex": "5840fbbbf6410e24532f35e9279febb085d2cc05b3b2ada1df77ea1951eb694f3834b0be1868d1c36ef9089b3b094f5fe1d783e4d5fea14e2034c0397bee50e65a1a"
The cborhex here contains of 3 parts:
1. prefix 5840 - bytestring of 64 bytes
2. verification key (32 bytes) - fbbbf6410e24532f35e9279febb085d2cc05b3b2ada1df77ea1951eb694f3834
3. chain code (32 bytes) - b0be1868d1c36ef9089b3b094f5fe1d783e4d5fea14e2034c0397bee50e65a1a

Rule for prefixes:
  - CBOR-encoded bytestring (which is what the 58 identifies)
  - size (80 means 128 bytes, whereas 40 means 64 bytes, 20 means 32 bytes)

Create verification key hash using cardano-cli
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file key.vkey > key.hash

Alternatively, we can create non-extended key
$ cardano-address key public --without-chain-code < key.xsk > key.vk

Also, take notice that signing key can be translated to cborhex:
$ cat key.xsk | bech32
(signing key and chain code appended)

Moreover, basing on key.vk one can get hash
$ cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key $(cat key.vk) > key1.hash

Within cardano-addresses one can get cborhex of verification key (with chain code)
$ cardano-address key public --with-chain-code < key.xsk | bech32
(verification key and chain code appended)

Within cardano-addresses one can get cborhex of verification key (without chain code)
$ cardano-address key public --without-chain-code < key.xsk | bech32
(verification key without chain code)

Then, we can get compute hash (but here we need to use without chain code):
$ cardano-address key public --without-chain-code < key.xsk | cardano-address key hash | bech32

Docker Image


$ docker build -t cardano-address .


Use the auto-remove flag --rm when running commands.

$ docker run --rm cardano-address recovery-phrase generate --size 15
dismiss grit bacon glare napkin satisfy tribe proud carpet bench fantasy rich history face north

Use the interactive flag -i when piping stdin

$ echo "addr1gqtnpvdhqrtpd4g424fcaq7k0ufuzyadt7djygf8qdyzevuph3wczvf2dwyx5u" | docker run --rm -i cardano-addresses address inspect
    "address_style": "Shelley",
    "stake_reference": "by pointer",
    "spending_key_hash": "1730b1b700d616d51555538e83d67f13c113ad5f9b22212703482cb3",
    "pointer": {
        "slot_num": 24157,
        "output_index": 42,
        "transaction_index": 177
    "network_tag": 0

NPM Package

There is an experimental NPM module for JavaScript and TypeScript available, which works in both NodeJS and the browser.

Here is a code sample showing how it can be used:

var cardanoAddresses = require('cardano-addresses')
var addr = 'addr1gqtnpvdhqrtpd4g424fcaq7k0ufuzyadt7djygf8qdyzevuph3wczvf2dwyx5u'

  .then(info => console.log(info)


Pull requests are welcome.

When creating a pull request, please make sure that your code adheres to our coding standards.