Keystorage Service

simple API to store and retrieve keys.



Production Endpoint:

Calls to an API take the form outlined below. Each API call returns a promise, that invokes either a success and failure callback

var wallet = {
    "crypto" : {
        "cipher" : "aes-128-ctr",
        "cipherparams" : {
            "iv" : "6087dab2f9fdbbfaddc31a909735c1e6"
        "ciphertext" : "5318b4d5bcd28de64ee5559e671353e16f075ecae9f99c7a79a38af5f869aa46",
        "kdf" : "pbkdf2",
        "kdfparams" : {
            "c" : 262144,
            "dklen" : 32,
            "prf" : "hmac-sha256",
            "salt" : "ae3cd4e7013836a3df6bd7241b12db061dbe2c6785853cce422d148a624ce0bd"
        "mac" : "517ead924a9d0dc3124507e3393d175ce3ff7c1e96529c6c555ce9e51205e9b2"
    "id": "88a23fc8-09fa-4cd5-a3a4-0d4f3a496602",
    "address" : "0xe6b032b23bc145ed19e23792e2a107d0794fe65a",
    "version" : 3

var token = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhZTU5NmFlOC00NjVjLTRkMWEtOWE4MC1mOTJlY2QyNDE2MzUiLCJzdWIiOiJzdG9yYWdlIiwianRpIjoiMTIzNCIsImF1ZCI6ImFtYmlzYWZlIiwiZXhwIjoxNDYxNzkxMDI2MDQyfQ.IJdbUMCN7O8LOHNY0H19pGFMmw3GBaDtybh-3BllM_g';, token)
        //This is where you would put a success callback
    }).catch( function(result){
        //This is where you would put an error callback

Persist newly generated key:

Header: Authorization: Bearer <jwt token described in billing integration and security>
POST /api/v0/keystore/<uuid v4>

  "crypto" : "<according to secret storage definition>",
  "address" : "<eth address>",
  "id" : "<uuid v4>"


http 201 - created
http 400 - uuid in json does not match uuid in url / no address contained
http 401 - storageToken not valid
http 409 - conflict

Retrieve key:

GET /api/v0/keystore/<uuid v4>


http 200 - ok
http 403 - banned
http 404 - not found

Billing Integration

Tenants are charged for CREATE operations through consumed authorization grants.


For GET:

Rate-limiting used to prevent brute-force attacks on GET operation. Any IP that produced 3 x 404 should be banned for 10 minutes.