
An Example of DAO implementation, Built by Denglian Community

Primary LanguageSolidity


FundDao: Hold & Manage Fund, The Miner of DaoToken. DaoToken: A ERC20 Token for Governor. Governor: The Owner of FundDao, Control the FundDao.

Deploy Contract

  1. create .env file with content:
MNEMONIC="your mnemonic"
  1. deploy mock usdc (option):
npx hardhat run scripts/00_deploy_mock_usdc.js --network mumbai

if deploy on local hardhat node , run start_hardhat.sh first, then use --network dev .

  1. deploy dao contracts:
npx hardhat run scripts/01_deploy_dao.js --network mumbai

Run Demo

  1. cd demo & npm install
  2. npm run serve

Read More

  1. Solidity Docs: https://learnblockchain.cn/docs/solidity/
  2. Ethers.js Docs: https://learnblockchain.cn/docs/ethers.js/
  3. Hardhat: