Installing missing bower elements will not refresh analyser and it will continue to showing the error
Closed this issue · 2 comments
It's the same problem that in atom plugin
@jarrodek reported:
When I
import some element that is not present inbower_components
directory the plugin will display error as it should. However, after Ibower
this element and it's already available in the path the plugin will continue to display error about missing file.
I tried to modify name of imported element and back, remove the line, save and add the line again and nothing changed. After I restarted the editor it finally accept that there's the element.I'm guessing that the information about missing file is cached somewhere and it's not updated after missing file appear. Plugin should inform the analyser that there was a change in files (especially missing files) and should re-run the analysis.
I'm guessing it's also a problem for Sublime, even if I haven't tested as I haven't been able to make the plugin on Sublime yet :)
Maybe it should be reported in the analyzer
Yeah, this is probably best reported on polymer-editor-service. I'll move these issues over.
Making the canonical bug.