Provides autocompletion, linting, and more for web components.
- 0
need to exclude paths from linting
#91 opened by mwinters-stuff - 1
- 1
Create a new Polymer project: polymer init
#69 opened by abdonrd - 3
polymer-ide is highlighting the object spread operator as an error in VS Code
#87 opened by cherukumilli - 16
External javascript is unaware of imports: resulting in lint warning - unable to resolve superclass Polymer.Element
#57 opened by bahrus - 1
- 2
- 2
Properties from Mixin not recognized
#79 opened by akc42 - 2
Include syntax highlighting
#74 opened by pdesjardins90 - 0
Still using v1 of the editor service
#89 opened by jsilvermist - 12
polymer-ide does not work for some projects
#48 opened by nguyenhuedang - 1
Set baseUrl to read imports from
#81 opened by madeleineostoja - 0
Cmd Click to functions
#86 opened by Caindrac - 1
How to update bower components path
#72 opened by BorntraegerMarc - 1
not working on vscode 1.13.0
#70 opened by pdgago - 2
Suppress specific warnings?
#78 opened by kaspnilsson - 3
Work with refereces to external url's (like CDN)
#85 opened by bahrus - 3
- 0
using a global import file throws false warnings
#80 opened by SieBRUM - 1
- 0
`IntelliSense for CSS class names` extension breaks jump to definition and tooltips
#75 opened by hariprasadiit - 0
Provide autocomplete support for this.$
#73 opened by bahrus - 2
Directory alignment seems to be wrong
#68 opened by akc42 - 2
- 0
offer to add html import?
#66 opened by davidmaxwaterman - 1
wrong css 'problems'
#63 opened by davidmaxwaterman - 0
- 0
HTML Tag autocompletion doesn't trigger well
#60 opened by rictic - 0
Attribute Autocompletion doesn't put =""
#58 opened by taufiqahmed - 4
Navigation / auto complete not working [for a slightly unorthodox scenario] if HTML markup is mallformed
#56 opened by bahrus - 2
The element xxx is not defined
#54 opened by Kleak - 7
Not able to navigate to Polymer 2 elements
#53 opened by bahrus - 2
- 1
0.3.0 - 0.4.0 are not marked as released in GitHub
#51 opened by tony19 - 6
Doesn't jump to definition if using computed methods via Typescript with target ES5.
#49 opened by bahrus - 2
Does not work with polymer serve
#43 opened by jhorback - 8
Error whilst editing an html import
#33 opened by akc42 - 5
- 2
- 7
Still seeing path issues with Windows
#40 opened by bahrus - 1
#41 opened by gertcuykens - 10
- 1
- 1
Ignore protocol-relative URI paths (e.g. for Google Fonts) instead of evaluating them to local resource
#38 opened by peterblazejewicz - 3
@apply coloring is wrong
#34 opened by akc42 - 0
Missing icon
#30 opened by abdonrd - 1
Document types supported by extension
#25 opened by peterblazejewicz - 4
- 0
Unable to work with files with paths that include characters that must be url encoded
#23 opened by rictic - 2
Installing missing bower elements will not refresh analyser and it will continue to showing the error
#22 opened by LostInBrittany