
This repository serves as a public collection of all challenges I authored for various CTFs. Enjoy ~ !

I love to make creative and unique challenges that push the players to really think about and investigate potential vulnerabilities, instead of pulling a ready-made exploit from GitHub.

In need of Crypto challenges for your CTF? Get in touch!


BlackHat MEA CTF 2023 Finals

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Cicero Crypto TOY Vigenere ★★, ★★★ Python ? NyA
Jzhnmipi Gqffcf Hmppwfv Crypto IMP RSA ★, ★★ Python ? NyA
Denied Crypto IMP Schnorr ★★, ★★★ Python ? NyA
Tapa Shasha Crypto IMP PSS ★★★, ★★ Python ? NyA
Lunch when? Crypto TOY SPN ★★★, ★★★★ Python ? NyA
PolyCert Crypto IMP RSA-SSA ★★, ★★★★★ Python ? NyA
Ping Pong Crypto TOY DSA ★★★★, ★★★★ Python ? NyA
Joyko Crypto IMP Demytko ★★★(★★), ★★★ Python ? NyA

BlackHat MEA CTF 2023 Quals

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Octopodal Crypto IMP DLOG ★, ★ Python ? NyA
Acceptance Crypto IMP Schnorr ★, ★ Python ? NyA
Sulfur Crypto TOY ECC, Knapsack ★, ★ Python ? NyA

CyberHub CTF 2023

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
RSA Trickster Crypto IMP RSA ★, ★ Python ? NyA
BL1ND S1D3D Crypto IMP AES-CBC ★, ★★ Flask ? NyA
Certified Weightlifter Crypto IMP RSA-SSA, CA ★★, ★★★★ Python ? NyA

GITEX Africa CTF 2023 [Website]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Typo Terminator I Crypto TOY OTP ★, ★ Python 5 NyA
Typo Terminator II Crypto TOY OTP ★, ★★ Python 1 NyA
T1M3LY T0K3NS Crypto IMP AES-CTR ★★, ★ Flask 1 NyA
iMAC (re-use) Crypto IMP HMAC ★★★, ★★★ Python 1 NyA
likeClockwork (re-use) Crypto TOY RSA ★★, ★★★ Python 0 NyA

HITB Amsterdam CTF 2023 [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
iMAC Crypto IMP HMAC ★★★, ★★★ Python 1 NyA
Tipi Crypto IMP DHE, KDF ★★, ★★ Python 1 NyA
HUFFin Crypto IMP AES-CTR, Huffman ★★, ★★★ Flask 1 NyA
likeClockwork Crypto TOY RSA ★★, ★★★ Python 0 NyA
CTULU Crypto TOY DHE, DSA ★★★★★, ★★★★ Python 0 NyA

UMASS CTF 2023 [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Wrath of the Sweating Buddha Crypto TOY Paillier ★★, ★★ Python 6 NyA

idekctf 2022* [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Cleithrophobia Crypto TOY AES-CBC ★, ★ Python 58 NyA
Megalophobia Crypto IMP RSA ★★★, ★★★ Python 17 NyA
Psychophobia Crypto IMP ECDSA ★★★★, ★★ Python 11 my-blog


BlackHat MEA CTF 2022 Finals [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
LWEKE Crypto IMP LWE ★★★★, ★★ Python ? NyA
Beastly Vault Crypto IMP AES-CBC, AES-GCM ★★★★★, ★★★ Flask ? NyA
Webbed* Crypto IMP AES-CBC ★, ★★ Flask ? NyA
ECPC Crypto TOY ECDSA ★★, ★★★ Python ? NyA
Ursa Major Crypto TOY RSA ★★, ★★ Python ? NyA
Bob went Shopping Crypto IMP E2EE (LINE-2018) ★★★, ★ Python ? NyA

BlackHat MEA CTF 2022 Qualifiers [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Ursa Minor Crypto TOY RSA ★, ★★ Python ? NyA
Nothing Up My S-box Crypto TOY SPN ★★, ★★★ Python ? NyA

n00bzCTF 2022 [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
RSA-OOPS Crypto TOY RSA ★, ★ Python ? NyA
Hadis Paide Crypto IMP Paillier ★, ★ Python ? NyA

HackPack CTF 2022 [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Repeating Offense Crypto IMP RSA, Paillier ★, ★ Python 20 my-blog
P(ai)^3 Crypto TOY Paillier ★, ★ Python 20 my-blog

UMassCTF 2022 [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
FastCrypt Crypto IMP SPN ★, ★ Python 24 NyA
MTRSASS Crypto TOY MSS, RSA ★, ★ Python 6 NyA
Tomb of Tutanflagun Crypto TOY Hill ★, ★ None 3 NyA
HatMash Crypto TOY Linear Algebra ★, ★ Python 1 my-blog
Order of the Eight Apollonii Crypto TOY SSS ★★★, ★★ Python 1 NyA

K3RN3LCTF 2021 [CTFtime]

Challenge Category Type Primitive Difficulty1 Docker Solves Writeup
Twizzty Buzzinezz Crypto TOY XOR ☆, ☆ None 116 my-blog
1-800-758-6237 Crypto IMP AES-CTR ★, ★★ Python 28 my-blog
Non-Square Freedom 1 Crypto TOY RSA ★★, ★ None 21 my-blog
WannaSwirl Rev Malware ★★ None 19 Abraxus
Non-Square Freedom 2 Crypto TOY RSA ★★, ★★ None 11 my-blog
Poly-Proof Crypto TOY PCS ★★, ★★ Python 11 my-blog
Poly Expo go BRRRRR Crypto TOY RSA ★★, ★ Python 9 my-blog
Tick Tock Crypto TOY Group Theory ★, ★ Python 6 my-blog
3Dangerous Commute Misc PZL Maze ★, ★ Python 5 NyA
Cozzmic Dizzcovery Crypto PZL XOR ★, ★ Python 3 my-blog
HADIOR Crypto IMP DSA ★, ★ Python 3 my-blog
lightningrod Rev XOR ★, ★★ None 3 my-blog
Beecryption Crypto TOY Affine ★★, ★★★ Python 2 my-blog
Game of Secrets Crypto TOY Game of Life ★★★, ★★ Python 2 my-blog
Objection! Crypto IMP DSA ★★★, ★ Python 2 my-blog
Ain't no Mountain High Enough Crypto TOY Hill ★★, ★ Python 1 my-blog
Mowhock Crypto TOY Chaos ★★★★, ★★ Python 0 NyA
Shrine of the Sweating Buddha Crypto TOY Paillier ★★★★, ★★ Python 0 my-blog
Total Encryption Crypto IMP RSA ★★★, ★★★★ Python 0 my-blog
WannaSwirl Fixed Rev Malware ★★★ None 0 Abraxus


  1. Estimated difficulty split up in vulnerability identification (exploration) and exploitation. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13