Example project that demonstrate how to use Polymesh SDK along with some of its use cases
- node.js version 14.x
- yarn version 1.x
Installing Dependencies
$ yarn
Environment Variables
POLYMESH_NODE_URL=## websocket URL for a Polymesh node ##
MIDDLEWARE_LINK=## URL for an instance of the Polymesh GraphQL Middleware service ##
MIDDLEWARE_KEY=## API key for the Middleware GraphQL service ##
ACCOUNT_SEED=## mnemonics of a signer ##
BOB_DID=## DID of an identity to be used as target (a Portfolio Custodian, a Claim target etc.) for various use cases ##
Running the app
$ yarn run-example <path-to-example-file>
NOTE: You may be required to pass a second argument such as a ticker or a secondary account in some of the examples.