Istia Mecatronique Club - Power Board
This repository contains the source codes and the schematics of our power board.
Repository architecture
This repository contains a "board" folder with the schematics of the board, a "code" folder with the source code of the ATMega and a "documentation" folder with the doxygen documentation of the source code.
The source code
How does it work
The board provide the differents voltages needed in our applications (IstiaBOT). It is also equipped with a CAN interface that allows to request the current and voltage values of the input (batterie) by sending a request CAN message with the ID_POWER_1 (0x091) identifier. The board also raise an alert CAN message (identifier ID_ALERT - 0x080) if the input voltage is too low (batterie with a low level).
The files
The "code/include" folder contains
- a Pin interface class to handle a pin on the ATMega (this class sould not be instanciated)
- an Input class to handle an input pin
- an Ouput class to handle an output pin
- a Led class to handle an led connected to the ATMega
The ATMega output.hex file
In the code folder you can find a Makefile to generate the binary *.hex file and upload it to the ATMega. The makefile is configured for
- avrdude compiler ( $ sudo apt-get install avrdude avr-libc)
- AVRispmkII programmer
Then do
- $ make hex # to generate the binary ouput.hex
- $ make upload # to upload the output.hex file to the ATMega
- $ make all # to compile and then upload
This has been tester with Ubuntu and Lubuntu on a raspberry pi 3.
The documentation
We use Doxygen to generate the documentation of the source code. By using the makefile (in the code folder) you can do
- $ make documentation To generate the documentation files.
Note that you need to have doxygen and graphviz (for the graphs) installed
- $ sudo apt-get install doxygen
- $ sudo apt-get install graphviz
When powering the board, the LEDs should blink a few times and then stop.
GNU General Public License v3.0.