
The official Discord bot of the Compliance Resource Pack Discord servers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION



The official bot of all Compliance Resource Pack discords

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Installation and launching:

  • Install Node.js on your machine. Version 16.6 or higher is required!
  • Clone the repository on your machine.
  • Open your console in the cloned repository.
  • To complete the installation, write the following command in the console:
npm install
  • After installation, you will need to configure the bot.
  • To start the bot, write the following command in the console:
node .

Bot config:

DISCLAIMER: We won't help you rebranding the bot for any other server. If you really want to do that, then you need to figure it out yourself.

  • Create an app on the Discord Developer Portal.
  • Go to the Bot tab, create a bot and copy its token.
  • Create a file named .env or rename the .env.example file to .env.
  • Open the .env file using any text editor.
  • This file contains general bot settings in this format:
Field name Example value Description
CLIENT_TOKEN "-" The token you copied from the Developer Portal, used to login the bot.
PREFIX "/" This is the character used to execute commands.
UIDR, UIDJ, UIDD, UIDT "123456789123456789" The user id's of the four bot maintainers.
MAINTENANCE "false" Makes all commands maintainer-only, sets status to do not disturb.
DEBUG "false" Shows advanced console logs.
DEV "false" Disables certain features that are only necessary for the production bot.
LOG_DEV "false" Logs bot errors into the dev-logs channel.
COMPLIBOT_GIT_USERNAME "CompliBot" Git username for the CompliBot account.
COMPLIBOT_GIT_EMAIL "CompliBot@users.noreply.github.com" Git email for the CompliBot account.
COMPLIBOT_GIT_JSON_REPO "/Compliance-Resource-Pack/JSON/" Github repository to push/pull json files.
COMPLIBOT_GIT_TOKEN "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0k1l2m3n4o5p6q7r8s9t0" Git token for the CompliBot GitHub account.

Other configs:

  • resources/colors.js for embed colors
  • resources/strings.js for embed or message texts
  • resources/settings.js for role and channel id's