nCeption is a Ubiq network fork of the n Project on Ethereum. Changes being it costs 88 UBQ to claim an N NFT with those funds being sent to a Burner contract address. This mimics the Ethereum network where a 0 cost but extremely high gas fee effectively made the N numbers expensive to purchase. These were also quickly sought after on secondary markets where they became cost prohibitive to acquire and therefore experiment with. The problem with being overly popular with limited supply on an expensive network.
Running on Ubiq, nCeption should give plentiful spare N NFTs to experience the act of ownership and therefore experimentation for developers. Any derivative works will also have an active audience to display your creativities.
Smart contracts are written in Solidity and managed via Hardhat.
The Burner contract is modified from one originally created by Jeff Wilcke. The main modification involves changing the caller of the Purge action to reduce the received balance from 0.01% to 0.001%. This Burner contract is preferred over sending "burned" funds to a null burner address as it efficiently creates a self destructing smart contract which removes the UBQ from the state history.
yarn install
- Install packages
npx hardhat compile
- Compile contracts
npx hardhat test
- Run the test suite
npx hardhat node
- Run a local testing node
npx hardhat deploy --network localhost
- Deploy to local testing node
npx hardhat deploy --network kovan
- Deploy to Kovan Testnet
npx hardhat --network kovan etherscan-verify --api-key <api-key>
- Etherscan Verify the Kovan Testnet deployment
npx hardhat --network kovan sourcify
- Sourcify the Kovan Testnet deployment
- Burner:
- N:
Kovan Testnet:
- Burner:
- N:
nCeption is deployed on Kovan Testnet with a 0.0088 ETH Claim fee