An example project that contains dummy blueprints and spawners for them. As time goes on this project will be updated with more blueprints.

Available Spawners

  • Swimming Volume
  • Climbing Volume
  • Whirlwind with custom camera settings
  • BP_FluidSurface (Kind of)

You can learn how to create that from here


  • FalconGameState
  • Figuring out collectibles
  • BP_HarmfulTerrain
  • BP_SwimPushOffVolume
  • AbilityGates
  • BP_Transporter_Generic

Portal Blueprints

  • PortalTransporterTarget_Fade_C -Arrive Locations For Levels
  • PortalTransporterTarget_C -Start Location
  • PortalTransporter_C -Portals
  • 202_PortalTransporter_C - Spyro 2 Portals
  • PortalTransporter_S2_C - Unknown

Example Maps

There are two maps that show how swimming, climbing, collision surfaces work. More information about the collision surfaces can be found in here. Most of the gameplay effects used by Reignited Trilogy is also included in the project you can also check blueprint information page to see their functions and how to use them.