
Implementing Manhattan LSTM, a Siamese deep network to predict sentence to sentence semantic similarity.

Primary LanguagePython


Implementing Manhattan LSTM, a Siamese deep network to predict sentence to sentence semantic similarity.

Implementation inspired by this paper by Mueller & Thyagarajan, and this this Medium article by Elior Cohen.

A few links


The detailed explanation of the model can be found in the aforementioned paper. The model described in the paper:

MaLSTM model

A ~3% increase in accuracy was observed compared to the aforementioned article on making a few changes and fine-tuning the model. The major ones are as follows:

  • Cleaning the data was done using regular expressions, stopwords and Lemmatizer object from the NLTK library.
  • The embedding matrix was created using pretrained GloVe vectors.
  • The Embedding layer was made trainable.
  • Adam optimizer was used with a gradient clipping norm = 1.5.
  • Binary crossentropy loss was used.

Visualization of model returned by ./src/create_model.py:

Model plot