
Created from docker:dind Added kubectl and telepresence

Made for Windows, running minikube and kubectl This container counts minikube and kubtctl to be installed under C:\Users<Username>\

Entrypoint is starting the docker daemon and builds a Dockerfile that have been mounted in /app. We copy the mounted kube-config to not mess with the local one, change it to fit the container paths. Setting the kubeconfig-env to the newly changed kube-config. Using telepresence to swap the deployment to our local one.

To run the container

docker run --name <container-name> -ti -d --privileged -v <Local folder for APP>:/app \
  -v $USERPROFILE/.kube/config:/kube-config -v $USERPROFILE/.minikube:/minikube \
  -e USERPROFILE=$USERPROFILE -e DEPLOYMENTNAME=<Deployment name in cluster> \