
Streamline Your Career with One-Link Resume Ease!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Resume Worded

Create a comprehensive resume editor in MarkDown with an integrated uploader. Generate shareable links for your resume page and simplify the process of updating your resume without the need to re-upload it. Say goodbye to the hassle of repeatedly uploading your resume to Google Drive and replacing files each time you make updates.

To-Do List

Phase 1

  • Define project objectives and features.
  • how to make a md editor.
  • Choose the technology stack.
  • How to provide url links for resume.
  • Design an interface.
  • Implement MD-based resume editor.
  • Create shareable links for resumes.
  • Storage and retrieval of content in editor.

Phase 2

  • Implement resume versioning system.
  • Continuously optimize code for performance.
  • Conduct thorough testing of all features.
  • Create user documentation.
  • Deploy the application.

Maybe move form resume to documents to


https://www.npmjs.com/package/@uiw/react-md-editor https://luther.io/markdown-resume/

FIGMA : https://www.figma.com/file/o3nAw6l9zkSxW0yVe963Q9/Project-Den?type=design&node-id=804%3A163&mode=design&t=kLSRMIjvokeSesFF-1


Harshal141 sahilkamate03