
Repository for the Effective TX/TL model code

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT

Effective Biophysical Model of Transcription and Translation


This repository contains code for effective synthetic circuit models written in the Julia programming language. The synthetic circuits and model equations are described in the publication:

Adhikari et al (2020) Effective Biophysical Modeling of Cell Free Transcription and Translation Processes bioRxiv 2020.02.25.964841; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.25.964841

Installation and Requirements

Julia v1.3 or greater must be installed on your machine. In addition, the solution and analysis of the effective TX/TL models require a few additional packages:

Package Description
DifferentialEquations.jl A suite for numerically solving differential equations written in Julia and available for use in Julia, Python, and R
DiffEqSensitivity.jl Encodes sensitivity analysis utilities
JSON.jl Package for parsing and printing JSON
Optim.jl Univariate and multivariate optimization solvers
DataFrames.jl Tools for working with tabular data in Julia
CSV.jl Package for working with delimited files
Interpolations.jl Package implements a variety of interpolation schemes for the Julia language
Distributions.jl A Julia package for probability distributions and associated functions
PyPlot.jl Julia interface to the Matplotlib plotting library from Python
POETs.jl A Julia package that implements the Pareto Optimal Ensemble Techniques (POETs) method for multiobjective optimization

These packages will be installed and compiled the first time you execute the model code (which can take a bit). If this doesn't happen, you can always install them using the Julia package manager. To get the model codes, you can download this model repository as a zip file, clone or pull it using the command:

git pull https://github.com/varnerlab/Biophysical-TXTL-Model-Code


git clone https://github.com/varnerlab/Biophysical-TXTL-Model-Code

In the src directory there are two subdirectories P70-deGFP-model and P28-cIssrA-model which contain the code for the P70-deGFP model and the P28 negative feedback model.


Each model subdirectory contains scripts to solve or analyze the model equations:

Script Description
sample_parameter_ensemble.jl Solves the model equations for the ensemble of parameters sets. Saves solutions in the simulations directory
visualize_*.jl Plot the simulations generated by the sample_parameter_ensemble.jl script
compute_sensitivity_coefficients.jl Conducts Morris sensitivity analysis on the model