
My solution for the devops challenge

Primary LanguageJinja

Document for this devops test


  • Run the test
  • Provision Kubernetes Cluster
  • Creating Helm Charts
  • Create Single Executator File

Run the test

First you must clone this repository with the command below and change directory to it:

git clone https://github.com/PooriaShahi/devops-test.git
cd devops-test

Then make sure you have pip3 installed on your system. you can check that with the command below:

pip3 -V

If it's not installed on your system then do the below: Python installation

python -m pip3 install --upgrade pip

Ubuntu installation

sudo apt install python3-pip

MacOS installation

brew install pip3

Then make sure that you have a server with root user and you have a ssh-key based authentication with it.

For your domain, please change value of host in wart/values.yaml file.

Then run the command below:

bash constructor.sh

Enter you server's IP and go make some snack and some coffee until magic completely happen ;)

When magic ends, you can see 2 different url based on your domain that defined in the wart/values.yaml file. Copy the urls and see the results.

Provision Kubernetes Cluster

For this challenge i use kubespray as recommended and provision a single node (CP+Worker) k8s cluster. I using Flannel CNI plugin for overlay k8s network. First creating my variables with the command below:

cp -rfp ./kubespray/inventory/sample ./kubespray/inventory/myCluster

then declare the ip of remote server and create hosts file for kubespray's ansible:

declare -a IPS=(<IP>)
CONFIG_FILE=kubespray/inventory/myCluster/hosts.yaml python3 kubespray/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py ${IPS[@]}

for using flannel network instead of calico, change kube_network_plugin field in the path below:

sed -i -e 's/calico/flannel/g' ./kubespray/inventory/myCluster/group_vars/k8s_cluster/k8s-cluster.yml

and then running the command below for provisioning the k8s cluster:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/myCluster/hosts.yaml -u root -b -v cluster.yml

Creating Helm Charts

Used the wart helm chart created by Pooria Shahi.

In this chart for every services, manifest written and we deploy the chart with the command below:

helm upgrade --install wp-app wart

Create Single Executator File

For this purpose we write 2 seprate ansible playbooks for initialize the server include update and upgrade the server and the main-course playbook for after provision cluster and using that for install ingress-nginx and initialize wordpress. All this will be done with a constructor.sh file which is a bash script file for implementing all together.