
This project implements an HCD (Hardware Control Daemon) and Assembly using TMT Common Software (CSW) APIs.


  • sample1-assembly - an assembly that talks to the sample HCD
  • sample1-hcd - an HCD that talks to the sample hardware
  • sample1-deploy - for starting/deploying HCD's and Assembly's

Build Instructions

The build is based on sbt and depends on libraries published to bintray from the csw-prod project.

See here for instructions on installing sbt.

Pre-requisites before running Components

run script - Clone csw-prod git checkout <sha> - sha is mentioned in Libs.scala for csw-prod dependencies - Run sbt universal:stage - $cd target/universal/stage/bin - $./ start -i en0

Necessary environment variables - Export clusterSeeds=ip:5552 - Use your own ip

Running HCD and Assembly

Stage and run

 sbt universal:stage
cd sample1-deploy/target/universal/stage/bin
./sample-1-container-cmd-app --standalone --local /Users/poorvagokhale/TMT/spikes/sample1/sample1-deploy/src/main/resources/Sample1AssemblyStandalone.conf