
This is a Python program which calculate Entropy and Gini-coefficient of a sample data.

Primary LanguagePython


First,campare system Entropy and average users Entropy in a sample of tweets: They provided a sample of 424k tweets. I calculate system Entropy and average users Entropy base on memes(I considered every unique hashtag as a meme). I notice that users attention for memes has limit and does not related to system Entropy. It means it does not matter how many memes are in system, our users can only pay attention to few of them.

Second :calculate Gini coefficient in Chines Restaurant: I run chinese restaurant algorithm with 1000 customers for five times. Every time, I calculate Gini Coefficient for it(to find the inequality of spreading customers between tables) and then campare the five result. I infered from result if the number of our tables go up, the inequality goes up too.

(For both program there is a picture of sample results in repository)